@luksus Alright, yeah I saw that post
Even with older artifacts it seems that it's not working.
Let me know if I can do anything to help you by doing some tests (I'm not a dev, just a fan), and I hope these issues will be fixed soon
RE: Fairphone 3 (FP3) Port
RE: Fairphone 3 (FP3) Port
Hello Luksus, hello everyone
I tried to flash Ubuntu Touch many times, using different artifacts, but it's not working. Maybe I missed something. Here is the steps I did :- Fairphone 3 unlocked
- Fastboot OK
- Flashing Android 9 stock image successful (I boot Android 9 to check, and it's working)
- Then, I went to fastboot again, and flashed both boot.img and system.img from different artifacts
- When I reboot, there is Fairphone bootscreen with "powered by android" on the bottom, and nothing happen.
I hope you can help me. It's been years I follow Ubports and I'm so thankfull you work on Fairphone 3 port LuksusMany thanks for that.