Is there an update on VoLTE networks like Verizon becoming compatible with UT on the PinePhone? I understand there are more general issues with UT and the PP that effect far more people, but I was hoping the recent success with Mobian on Verizon might mean a solution is near. Thanks in advance for any answer even if it’s no. In a year my contract will be up and I’ll give AT&T a try if it gets me on my PP with UT full time.
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 81 Saturday 1st Of August At 19:00 UTC
RE: Ubuntu Touch on LG G6 (h870 model): call for testers
I got the American version with a cracked screen but I’d be willing to contribute to the cause. It’s currently with Verizon locked. If I get it unlocked will I be able to test it on that? It’s got a cracked screen so the risk to reward ratio is favorable. I’ve never done this before so I have no clue how to start.
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 75 This Saturday At 19:00 UTC
Are their any features not currently working on the PinePhone that you anticipate working by the time the community editions are shipped out to customers? If so, which ones?