@wynn1212 Awesome! It works! Thank you.
RE: Libertine OTA-3 always failed in dnsmasq
RE: Libertine OTA-3 always failed in dnsmasq
@wynn1212 Thank you for your help.
But I can't use command lish.
It says command not found.
But edit nsswitch.conf really solve the I have no name! problem.
Did I missed something? -
RE: Libertine OTA-3 always failed in dnsmasq
I solve this problem finally.
I found when I use Chinese locale , libertine container always create failed.
I switch to English locale and everything works fine. -
Libertine OTA-3 always failed in dnsmasq
I'm new in Ubuntu Touch.
I have flashed UT to my Pixel 3a and used for a week.
Everything works great until I tried to use desktop apps.
Libertine container always create failed.
here is the log:
mkdir: cannot create directory /run/dnsmasq
I've tried:sudo su mkdir ~/.cache/libertine-container/my-container-name/rootfs/run/dnsmasq chmod -R 777 ~/.cache/libertine-container/my-container-name/rootfs/run
but the problem still existed.
Everytime "mkdir: cannot create directory /run/dnsmasq" log appeared,
create procedure stopped and ~/.cache/libertine-container folder was empty.
Can anyone help me solve this?