@mattmcbeardface Sorry for the incredibly late response.. I wish I could help you out more, but I only got the APN settings to stick for a very short period of time, at best. I ended up going back to stock. Good luck in your endeavors!
RE: Cricket Wireless
OnePlus 6T and speech-to-text
Hey all,
Does anyone know if there is speech-to-text being developed for UT for the OnePlus 6T? I mainly want to use it for texting, by speaking my texts into the messaging app...
Thanks and Cheers! -
Cricket Wireless
Hello, I have put Ubuntu Touch on this phone and was wondering if anyone had successfully gotten Cricket Wireless cellphone service to work on it??
A little background:
I decided to put my SIM card from a fully functional OnePlus 7 Pro with stock android, into my OnePlus 6T with Ubuntu Touch. I verified that I could get calls and texts through my SIM on the 6T, BUT... when I put my SIM back into my OnePlus 7 Pro, I got a notification that my line got suspended. So I called Cricket up, and they proceed to tell me that my OnePlus 7 Pro is no longer supported and that it can be un-suspended for today, however, it will continue to suspend once the network identifies my device, usually on a daily basis. They said the reason for this was that Cricket is merging to 5G, so any device on the 3G compatibility list will be unsupported after Feb 2022.. There more! I asked about the OnePlus 6T to see if it would work after Feb 2022 and they said, "Yes". But why would the OnePlus 6T be compatible with the update of 5G, when I looked at the specs online that show it IS 3G capable?? Also, the 6T does not have 5G technology built into it... I'm baffled that companies would not keep everything backwards compatible for many reasons.One last question:
Does anyone know of a carrier that won't axe 3G devices?? If there is one, I would really like to NOT have to buy a new phone..Cheers!
Pixel 3A - issues with Straight Talk and speakerphone
Has anyone successfully gotten Straight Talk mobile from Wal-mart to work with this phone? I had one call come through after putting in my old sim and then, not a one afterwards... I also tried getting another Straight Talk SIM card to get activated through customer service to no avail. Another bit of info, I used the Verizon version of the SIM card in the kit from Wal-Mart...
Also, has anyone else experienced issues while in a call and on speaker, the sound that gets sent to the other person is so bad that you can't understand the person with the Pixel 3A at all???
Thanks in advance for any help