when is there gonna be an update?
And is there gonna be more device compatibility for Samsung and xiaomi devices?
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 160 Call for Questions
RE: having trouble figuring what to do for porting
@faveoled oh,so do I put it at the root of the kernel source folder?
RE: having trouble figuring what to do for porting
@faveoled in /arch/arm64/configs??
RE: having trouble figuring what to do for porting
@faveoled oh,ok but just a question where am i supposed to make the deviceinfo file?
RE: having trouble figuring what to do for porting
@faveoled was I supposed to use that?
RE: having trouble figuring what to do for porting
@faveoled I'm using the setting up the sources
RE: Trouble when trying to port to TB-X505F
@Kaloyan-Donev hey hey I'm having the same problem but I never ran the breakfast command but I couldn't understand the line of that code,what are you supposed to name the name,remote,and repository
having trouble figuring what to do for porting
I'm trying to be the first one to port samsung galaxy tab a7 (gta4l) but I'm having trouble understanding this:
<project path="device/[manufacturer]/[device]" name="[repository name]" remote="[remote]" revision="[revision]" />
idk what to do with name,remote and revision
So can anyone help me?