@ursfan After having added the file NotoColorEmoji.ttf to the image under /system/fonts and rebuild the android.img with mksquashfs it works...
RE: Development testers for Anbox
RE: Development testers for Anbox
@ursfan with the commands anbox-Tool disable and anbox-tool enable afterwards the offline listed device normally gets active...
RE: Development testers for Anbox
If you took the image from "http://cdimage.ubports.com/anbox-images/" maybe you've installed an OS update afterwards. In my experience this resets the former installed boot image, so it has to be reinstalled. -
RE: Development testers for Anbox
I tried some things with the powerful adb command which gives wide control over the apps installed on the anbox image. There are some commands for example which control the permissions of an app. The command 'adb install -g apkfilename' grants the requested permissions of an app at installation. With adb pm grant package_name android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE or
android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE it's possible to enhance permissions of an app. But for the latter the output of 'adb logcat' tells that that permissions weren't granted at runtime because they weren't granted at the installation time. Is it possible to set that permissions on installation time? The solution to uninstall it with 'adb shell pm' and reinstall the app with adb didn't help for that.
I even tried to install the the apk file directly with the Android package installer without further success. The command for that was 'adb shell am -a android.intent.action.INSTALL_PACKAGE -d "file://path to apk file" -n com.android.packageinstaller/.PackageInstallerActivity'.
One app worked after using LuckyPatcher on it. -
RE: Development testers for Anbox
Is there a chance one can use the LXC container technique Anbox uses to get a custom ROM like LineageOS or any other, which was build for OPO for instance to run with Ubuntu Touch? This shouldn't have the limitations of the current Anbox android.img? How tight is Anbox coupled to Ubuntu Touch on the kernel level? Or does the enhanced kernel of Ubuntu Touch for Anbox only brings the support for the SquashFS of the android image?
RE: Development testers for Anbox
Yesterday I tried to activate the Accessibility Services of Android on OPO to get some apps to work which enable a software navigation bar for having a back button for apps with a lack of such. After having activated this service the screen went black for my apps. So now it's not possible to see my installed app UI and also the android settings UI can't be made visible to reset that behavior. Superficial search in the code of Anbox let me assume, that there is intended only one Layer for the UI. Maybe that's ok for the PC desktop solution but for the smartphone solution too?
For now I only found a workaround for step back to a former activity of top app on the stack with 'adb shell input keyevent 4'. Are there better solutions for that?
For another try I now installed an app with f-droid for a navigation bar and enabled it. Even if the softkeys, are not visible it seems that they work anyway. When I swipe up from the lower edge of the screen as if I would make visible the navigation bar and tap on the screen where the back button should be, the app steps back. Can someone confirm that on another phone?In SailfishOS the Android apps are opened with a return button underneath. Is something like this possible in Ubuntu Touch? Even the android settings app delivered with anbox need a return button for some setting menus.
RE: Development testers for Anbox
@pawlinski Have you installed the boot.img for frieza with fastboot?
RE: Development testers for Anbox
Can it made possible to use emojis for the Android Keyboard in Anbox for typing? For now they are not usable, because they all are displayed as crossed boxes.
RE: Development testers for Anbox
I have another issue. With adb installed on my phone I got problems on OPO because no connection is possible. The command 'adb devices' states the emulator is offline, even though it was possible to start apps. But can't install others. How can Anbox be visible as device again?
RE: Development testers for Anbox
Have you tried installing it ? There is a thread 'root permission' for apps #118' on the Anbox github site which describes installing opengapps on the desktop version of Anbox. Maybe it works with microg the same on Ubuntu Touch? -
RE: Development testers for Anbox
Hello, currently I installed Ubuntu Touch 16.04 on OPO and Hammerhead without problems. I installed some android apps as well. But I have an app which can be controlled by the navigation buttons of android phones only, which I found no way to enable on ubuntu touch/anbox yet. I tried some apps which provide a software navigation bar from apkcure.com. But even if one of this is enabled in anbox configuration menu its not overlayed on the screen to that app. Is there a way to solve this?