Get qDslrDashboard running on ubports
qDslrDashboard is a dslr camera conroller app, which is compiled for many platforms. you think, there is a way to get the raspberry-pi-version of qDslrDashboard running on a ubports-phone?
Perhaps in a libertine-container, where I could install missing dependencies?
How can I execute a script in the context of the container?
Is there a way to get a "container-commandline" like in docker? -
@luksus any improvement to camera-app is better to integrate it in that app code.
About "container-commandline", maybe is this what you're looking for?
Ah, that manpage ist very helpfull.
I want to execute a script in the scope of the container.
And I'm not shure, if its needed to populate any working-paths to the container, but when it is needed, I want to know how.qDslrDashboard is not meant to control the internal phone camera.
It is for controlling an external DSLR connected over wifi or usb.
So integration into camera-app doesn't make sense.For now, I just want to figure out, what would be needed, to get it running on the phone.
Then perhaps I could contact the developer to ask for a possibilities to create an uvports app...