Telegram won't sign in on Aquaris bq 4.5
S@adrianpatch only the lack of email client dekko2 which is now at the alpha stage. Everything else is pretty much covered and 16.04 stable is only a few weeks/end of month away as far as I know. There maybe more info in tonights Q&A So you may want to hang on till then
As for telegram you cant create an account on their website via Firefox must be remembering things wrong sorry. -
@lakotaubp thank you
@flohack Hello, I did as you suggested - see - maybe when you have a little time you could see if there is anything that might be of use in getting telegram working for me? Thanks
Interesting I see this:
authSignInError_slt "PHONE_NUMBER_UNOCCUPIED" [20180818 14:13:50.962 BST qml: authNeeded true [20180818 14:13:50.963 BST qml: ui: PHONE_NUMBER_UNOCCUPIED error [20180818 14:13:50.964 BST onServerError msg: 6591048351356026880 : 400 : "PHONE_NUMBER_UNOCCUPIED"
This for sure is not ok, let me check with my Telegram friends why we get this... Do you already own a Telegram account?
Can you check if you got "Sign In" or "Sign Up" button when you enter your phone number and the code that is sent by SMS?
I am in USA, I tried to sign up with the device pro5 many times. It worked a few days ago.
I would get the code back,enter it and wait forever.
The one day I put in
USA code +1 1 865 *** ****
I got the code put it in and wallah it worked.By putting that other 1, in the number it worked.
In the USA since cell phones took over that second number 1. is rarely used.
Hope this helps -
@lakotaubp I confirm that "For some it suddenly works after days of trying other straight away." I had the same issue and after few days of trying it suddenly worked. No idea why. Perhaps you need to have some level of motivation and patience to use Telegram on Ubuntu Touch and BQ Aquaris E4.5.
But we are lucky you do not need any special hacking skills. Motivation and patience is enough.
@flohack sorry for delay in getting back. I got 'sign in'. I think I did have an account a couple of years ago (same tel no.) - my understanding was that it would have been deleted after inactivity.
Yes, you should have got Sign Up instead of Sign In. I can send you a test click with extended debugging to adress this feature if you ping me on Telegram.
@flohack Hello - I am not sure what 'ping me on telegram' means! (and I can't sign in telegram). Sorry for being obtuse - if you give me more detail I will have a go...
@adrianpatch If you put into your pc/laptop browser you should find the page with the native apps on it. Cannot remember if you have a telegram account or not, but if you use one of them you know your details are correct and working. It may help with telegram on ubports.
@lakotaubp Thank you very much! I set up the linux desktop app, managed to sign in - and was then able to sign in on Auaris/Ununtu Touch. Thank you to all who offered suggestions here!
@adrianpatch Glad your sorted. Enjoy.
We track this now: - Thanks for finding the bug!