Development testers for Anbox
Just followed the procedure on my OPO and it has gone flawlessly! Apps don't launch always, thought. I once opened the settings app successfully, but now every app crashes right after lauching.
The pre-installed apps seem to load all right, except for WebView Shell, which I don't think is even an app.
After some continued use, they all seem to crash on open. Functionality seems to come back sometimes.
I was able to install other apps. BUT, no on-screen keyboard
NOTE: Updating Ubuntu Touch will kill anbox completely, and you have to re-flash the anbox kernel again.
I tested with nexus 5 and had similar results as the others. I was able to open the stock apps, including settings. One thing to note is that it has no internet device, so it was not possible to connect to the internet from withing the container. I was able to install and open whatsapp. But couldn't do much more than that without keyboard or internet.
I also installed FDroid, but again, no internet. I tryed to install aosp stock keyboard, but after that, I wasn't able to open any app. To be more precise, anbox doesn't initiate anymore for some reason. I'll try to reinstall and see if I can reproduce this problem to be sure it was the keyboard app that caused anbox to not initiate anymore.
That is it for now: all stock apps open, no internet, no keyboard. Kinda of slow too. Most important, flashing the modified boot didn't brick my phone
(it happened once with another phone).
@mariogrip Come on Marius, throw us a bone! Update the Anbox image for Pro 5. You said long time ago, that you have a anbox that works with Mobile network and while you uploaded the anbox images for other devices, you did not update the one for Pro 5. So we can't test it as there us nothing new to test.
Thank you. -
@stefano Can you give this a try
I have now updated the image with an version that has working network! You can update this using
anbox-tool upgrade
@mariogrip I love you Marius
Sometimes I get this on FP2 when opening an app, and then it doesn't work. What does it mean exactly?
A few cases where this happened:
- Updated UT from settings (assumed that it overwrites kernel), so reflash of anbox kernel fixed it.
- Updated Anbox , but then a reboot fixed it.
This happens when the backend container session daemon is not running, so this is anbox trying to start a container session as user but failing, there is no "error" messages so it just get stuck (or crashes) here. So what we want here is to display an error message instead of this, but not implemented yet.
Got android keyboard working! it's not great nor native, but better then nothing.
This was fixed by adding hack to allow android keyboard, this is temporarily solution. Added bug report to add support for native keyboard here:
Upgrade using:
note, Using apt install here, that way we upgrade just anbox and nothing elsesudo mount -o rw,remount / sudo apt update sudo apt install anbox anbox-common anbox-ubuntu-touch anbox-tool upgrade
Yay. It works.
How do you use anbox-tool for install?
I tried
anbox-tool app-install FDroid.apk
But it said that anbox is not running.anbox-tool status
confirmed that it was not running. But the installed apps do run. -
This post is deleted! -
@mariogrip You're the MAN!!!
@stefano Does it work now on Pro 5?
usually when I anbox is not starting, I just restart the ubuntu. It works most of the time. Is there a better way to make anbox run again? Also, for those not doing this, if you are connected to anbox through adb shell and lxc-console you can see debugging msgs of anbox in realtime on your PC. This helps a lot to understand what anbox is doing, since it includes error msgs.
"does is work in 'other phones'?"
The only thing specific to each phone, I belive is the modification in the "boot image" to include the requeried kernel modules (for ashmen and binder nodes in /dev). Modifications in the anbox.img are the same for everyone, I believe.
Hey mario, if you are going to confirm this, are there other modifications to the kernel or the boot img that you do?
@mihael Yes it do work on a Pro 5...
@mihael Haven't tried that yet as I'm on holiday and have not access to a PC to flash it.
On Telegram advocatux give me a link that worked to install apps, as Marius told me he need to do more work on the anbox-tool...
I have test this and indeed it install the apps.
@xray2000 The method I have used to install apps is
$ sudo mv $APP ~/anbox-data/data
$ sudo lxc-console -ndefault -P /home/phablet/anbox-data/container -t0
$ cd data && pm install "app.apk"substitute "app.apk" for the name of the apk you are installing and $APP for it's path outside anbox
EDIT: sorry, I miss typed the sudo command.
@alkis said in Development testers for Anbox:
@xray2000 The method I have used to install apps is
$ sudo mv $APP ~/anbox-data/data
$ sduo lxc-console -ndefault -P /home/phablet/anbox-data/container -t0
$ cd data && pm install "app.apk"substitute "app.apk" for the name of the apk you are installing and $APP for it's path outside anbox
sudo lxc-console -ndefault -P /home/phablet/anbox-data/containers -t0