Setting up PIA VPN
I've scoured every article there is to setup a vpn and I havae not found anything that works with openvpn. I can't install anything using libertine or unpack a tar ball. So how do I get PIA VPN installed preferably via tar ball unpack?
PIA supports OpenVPN connectivity, so you just need to configure the VPN under System Settings with the correct values for it. Or, I think you can possibly run the script provided by them at by downloading it to your device and running it in the terminal app, roughly as described at
This seems helpful for UT: as @dobey described.
@joe Ironically I just got this setup using the same settings as the link you posted without having found it, haha. I used the below links get the certs and setver names for pia vpn.
Connection Settings: of PIA VPN Servers: is now resolved. Thank you @joe and @dobey for taking the time to help me out.
@dobey I do have a question based on your response. I did try to install the but I could not figure out how to install the PIA VPN app using libertine. I used the following link and could not get this figured out so I could use the fully featured PIA VPN app. Do you know how I could get this to work as well instead of using openvpn setup?
@asdf983lsdk39 You can't install either in libertine as a means of controlling network connectivity. Libertine is a container system, and simply inherits connectivity from the host system. Some level of system integration work would be required to let a confined app (which PIA could provide) to exert more control over the network connectivity, I think.
I'm still not sure what the app you speak of even does though, or requires. It's usable on traditional Linux systems on PCs because of the lack of confinement, and thus less security. I'm not sure if a confined app on UT could do the same thing using the APIs currently available (as I have not looked into what said app does or requires). But it will not be usable via libertine.
@dobey I'm wanting to do either of the following per PIA VPN installation guides. Both of which are not working.
Following fails b/c ./ fails out. get command errors when using wget. It's as if Ubuntu Touch doesn't have the updates for the system to use these commands. there not a way to get these to install on Ubuntu Touch so I can use the PIA VPN App and not manual settings in openvpn?