Porting to BQ Aquaris U2 soon
Since my E5 has a broken screen for the second time i bought the newer U2. I believe it is possible to run UT but i don't know if i can do it alone. What is actually funny is that i could connect a mouse to my broken E5. Now it has Ubuntu-Mouse on it and i can even use everything when i'm at home. But this is a bit off-topic.
After reading up on Halium and every other thing for learning just to see that today things are changed. So now i am a bit lost. Comparing the specs of the U2 with the E5 could help me build a manifest from the device specs if i understand correctly. That is my only showstopper. There must be a way to read out the thing although the only real difference is the processor. Somehow my guts tell me there is an easy fix. Halium dizzys me a bit but maybe it is because i'm dutch.Can i have some advice on this?
Best regards,
@RoyD said in Porting to BQ Aquaris U2 soon:
Comparing the specs of the U2 with the E5 could help me build a manifest from the device specs
Not really. I don't think ubports or the halium community are able to build the e5 device specific parts themselves. That was bq's job.
If you want halium on u2, you'd have to start from scratch as any other halium port does. And that means finding a lineage os or similar custom android version. With a quick internet search I couldn't find anything. u2 is yamcha? If there is no lineage os then you are looking at a much bigger task than just the halium port.
@RoyD the current effort to port Halium / UT to BQ devices are only on these models, at least for now: https://github.com/Halium/projectmanagement/issues?utf8=✓&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+bq
Maybe you can ask https://aquaris-dev.org/ if there's any chance to port LineageOS to U2