Since my E5 has a broken screen for the second time i bought the newer U2. I believe it is possible to run UT but i don't know if i can do it alone. What is actually funny is that i could connect a mouse to my broken E5. Now it has Ubuntu-Mouse on it and i can even use everything when i'm at home. But this is a bit off-topic.
After reading up on Halium and every other thing for learning just to see that today things are changed. So now i am a bit lost. Comparing the specs of the U2 with the E5 could help me build a manifest from the device specs if i understand correctly. That is my only showstopper. There must be a way to read out the thing although the only real difference is the processor. Somehow my guts tell me there is an easy fix. Halium dizzys me a bit but maybe it is because i'm dutch.
Can i have some advice on this?
Best regards,