ubports ubuntutouch webapp bug
Please can someone explain how to report a ubports ubuntutouch webapp bug. On my BQ M10, the app crashes when I select a device from the device page.
If open ubports.com using the morph browser, everything works fine.
If you mean https://open-store.io/app/ubports.nativeworld I suppose you will need to contact the developer directly. It is not an official app.
@dobey Many thanks for quick response. I'll do that.
@dobey OpenStore lists the developer as Joerg Ulbricht (also the developer of several other webapps). I've searched the forum names, but can't find him.
Please can you suggest how to contact him. Thanks for your patience.
I installed it and it runs just fine for me. It is nothing fancy, just a basic OGRS web-container.
I suggest installing UT Tweak Tool, and:
menu at top left
-> app scopes
----> ubports ubuntutouch
------> Clear...
--------> select all
----------> okaythen try launching again.