Not able to access files OPO?
Hi folks,
So last week I was able to plug in my OPO usb connection to my linux PC with no issues and transfer files without issues. This week however I plug in my phone to PC, comes up as camera but cannot access bacon on file manager. When i click on bacon I get error message...
Unable to open MTP DEVICE "(usb:001,010)".
Any help much appreciated. -
@Shannon64 is the device unlocked when you try?
Like I said was working last week,...nothing has changed. Phone is still in developer mode. Is that what you mean unlocked? PC can see it, mount it, but cannot open the device or files.
@Shannon64 probably what @Giiba meant is: is the screen unlocked. This unlocks access to the device over USB.
@Shannon64 What Linux is on your PC? Ubuntu will not connect to my OPO if there are updates to install. Mint seems better but still has it's moments. If nothing has changed on the phone at all then look at the usb cable and or connection to the device's. Try moving the usb around at connection points and install all updates on pc system just incase and as has been said unlock the screen on the OPO.
@ThePossessor I didn't notice the unlock feature. Seems to be working. Thanks.
@Giiba It works! Thank you!
@ThePossessor Learn something everyday. Thank you.
lol, yeah I meant the screen. I do the same thing every rare time I connect to a PC.