Difficulties setting up Clickable (LXD)
I'm in the process of setting up bhdouglass's clickable program from github on my computer. I have completed the steps up until the point where after I have to setup LXD for the mr_nice_guy account (see Inside the Container just before Configure clickable inside the container on the ubports wiki https://wiki.ubports.com/wiki/Set-up-a-Clickable-working-environment-inside-an-LXC-container).
I get this message:
mr_nice_guy@clickablecontainer:/root$ cd
mr_nice_guy@clickablecontainer:~$ cd $HOME
mr_nice_guy@clickablecontainer:~$ sudo apt-get install lxd
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
mr_nice_guy@clickablecontainer:~$ sudo systemctl start lxd.service
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
mr_nice_guy@clickablecontainer:~$ sudo usermod -a -G lxd mr_nice_guy
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specifiedAfter reading through sudo's man page I found out that -A or - - askpass is a program and apperently sudo can't find it because (I believe) because mr_nice_guy is a new account he doesn't have an askpass program. What do I have to do to allow mr_nice_guy to setup LXD?
@Eureka, you can use sudo with -S flag, for example:
sudo -S apt install lxd
@Eureka I believe "mr_nice_guy" is a generic name for a user. Use your actual username for this.
On the other hand if you are running this within Ubuntu you don't need to create a container, you should use the other set of instructions without creating a container.