Call for testing: Samsung S3 Neo (s3ve3g) owners
@Flohack Also try another cable and/or USB port on your PC. It could be sensitive a bit
Jup, version problem. It seems as if heimdall 1.4.1 from the Ubuntu repos is no good, I compiled 1.4.2 and it seems to work. I am rebooting into UB ports right now.
Seems to be stuck at boot screen.....
BTW, thanks for putting your time and effort into this. -
@zenfunk Hmm strange, can you connect it to the PC, and see if you get any RNDIS adapter in the hosts dmesg log?
Yes, this came up. Do you have any md5sums for the files?
BTW, AFAIK I never was asked for my passwords during install as was indicated by your instructions.
Enter your local hostΒ΄s sudo password when prompted the first time The second time, enter the intended device lock password
OK, I redownloaded the files, the checksums match. Reflashed with your heimdall (still no passwords though). Same result, the device hangs at the bootscreen, I even left it overnight. RNDIS comes up in dmesg. Any Ideas on how to get some logfiles off of that thing?
@zenfunk said in Call for testing: Samsung S3 Neo (s3ve3g) owners:
DIS comes up in dmesg. Any Ideas on how to get some logfiles off of that thing?
Sure, which IP does dmesg on the host tell you? Paste the relevant part of dmesg to a pastebin and link it here.
@zenfunk Ok that looks not so bad, use ssh phablet@ to get inside
- I will tell you what to look for, but basically use dmesg and /system/bin/logcat to get an idea whats going on. The phone has booted but is not able to get into graphics mode, we will find out why.
chris@funkbook:~/Downloads/s3neo/halium-install-continuous$ ssh phablet@ ssh: connect to host port 22: Network is unreachable
not good...
@zenfunk Then please hold VOl-Up, Press power until you get the blue text for recovery. Then, in recovery, use cat /proc/last_kmsg to see what goes wrong there...
this is last_kmsg
@zenfunk Ok I will compare with my device. Can you please also send me a getprop output from recovery? Thx
Getprop: -
@zenfunk Hmm what OS was installed before? Would you mind trying to reset to Android 5.1? It might have some effect, because otherwise I am not sure whats going on ^^
it was lineage 7.1.
I just reformated /data to ext3, but no improvement.
There are two different kinds of s3 neos around. One with Sony and one with a Samsung camera module. May this be it (not sure which one I have. Will reflash android 5.1 (which one did you use) and then we'll see.
Thank you very much for your time and efforts,
Chris -
@zenfunk Hmm the camera should not block the UI to start, actually. Very weird also that you do not get ssh connection. Did you specify -p ut parameter when installing?
Actually I didn't use -p ut because the script then exits.
./halium-install -p ut ubports-touch.rootfs-xenial-armhf.tar.gz system.img usage: ./halium-install rootfs.tar[.gz] system.img [release] positional arguments: rootfs.tar[.gz] system.img optional arguments: release: run common post installation tasks for release. supported: none, halium, pm, ut defaults : none
./halium-install ubports-touch.rootfs-xenial-armhf.tar.gz system.img ut
works, I'm trying to boot as we speak. I keep you posted.