Incoming call notification
Before I submit this as a feature request or suggestion on GitLab I wanna make sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Am I the only one who feels that UT deserves "nicer" screen or notification for incoming calls ? What I mean is that at the moment when you get an incoming call you get this rather popup-like looking rectangle on top of the screen and bar to swipe left or right, but what about the rest of the screen ? Unused. Why ? Incoming calls can take up all screen with an avatar or photo of the caller. I'm aware this is a rather cosmetic issue and I'm all for "if it's not broken don't change it" but UT is such a wonderful mobile OS and it's a real shame that the look of incoming calls has been designed "in-rush" if you know what I mean. Please community share your thoughts. Are you happy with the design of how user is made aware of an incoming call ?
That's a very nice idea. -
I would say a full screen thing while the phone is locked would be fine, but while unlocked and being used, certainly not, as you don't want to cover the entire screen the person is looking at suddenly. For example, on Android, you only have it appear "full screen" when locked, but when unlocked you only get the little notification bubble at the top of the screen.
I think it's a great idea. If it could be accomplished the way Rodney(dobey) described, then I think that would be more than acceptable for most users. :thumbs_up_light_skin_tone:
It's designed like that on porpouse.
The idea behind is having a notification and not the whole UI covered by an income call.
There is a bug that makes the notification block the UI anyway
@dobey Agreed. The idea is to allow incoming call to take up all screen only when the user isn't doing anything with the phone (locked). But if the user is reading messages on Telegram or whatnot he would get just the pop-up.
@marek_python is probably where it should be filed (Also dialer-app is at The dialer app itself has nothing to do with how the notification is presented. Rather, it is handled in the shell code.