Call for testing: Google/Huawei Nexus 6P (angler) owners
@Flohack rotation crashed again. Any logs I can get you that might be of use to fixing the sensor crash problem?
@rocket2nfinity No idea, honestly. It must be smth in the Android part. So look for logcat maybe...
@Flohack @rocket2nfinity It seems that updating the calculator app crashed the rotation. It was the only update I had today. I didn't try the rotation before i made the update, but since my rotation worked before without crashing makes me asume that it was that update that made rotation to stop working. And I could be wrong too
@Rondarius That is just strange.
Yes I know. The app has nothing to do with sensors, so there must be something else that made the rotation to stop working. And still it was the only thing I did with the phone after I booted it up.
On a positive note, I've been playing with Libertine on the N6P. It's a lot more usable than on the N5. The N5 can barely keep a program open much less play a video or an audio stream. But as long as you keep the bandwidth down, the N6P can. Makes me really curious to try Anbox on it.
@rocket2nfinity Great to here that Libertine is more stable on this device, I haven't played around with it yet.
@Flohack The only log that I found using the file manager was the udev.log, do you have any use of this file?
Not rebooted it for a week.
Looks like I can't charge the phone now. -
@Kosakanao Let the battery sit charging for a while. Your battery may need to be replaced. Mine did that before I had to replace it.
Edit @Flohack @rocket2nfinity And my rotation works again. And I think I have a solution too. I forgot to turn of my phone the other day so it was on until the battery lost all charge, this doesn't turn of the phone instead I think it crashes and loosing the connections to the sensors. I did the same "mistake" last night and had to recharge my phone from zero and now my rotation works again.
@rocket2nfinity @Flohack When I did a soft reboot it lost rotation again, after a couple of reboots, rotation is back again. I guess it had nothing to do with empty the battery.
Just made a VoIP call with Google Hangouts. So microphone works. So, @Flohack is there a certain set of commands I can use to play with the audio settings to enable audio for the dialer?
Same question with camera - can you point me in the right direction as to where I can try to enable it?
@rocket2nfinity I am afraid both things require elevated knowledge of how Android works and how actually Ubuntu Touch tries to emulate that environment. For the call audio the routing is made involving pulseaudio, a pulseaudio module, a stub Android service call mini-audioflingerglue and then Android stuff itself. The problem is the debugging there, I did never receive any sensible log entry what could be wrong.
Samew goes for the camera, I tried the new approach by Ratchanan from here: but I was unsuccessful also. So, either in the Android container or in UT side we still have a permission problem, some missing service or whatever ^^ -
@Flohack Above my skill level then. I tried to produce a logcat but it didn't output anything. I also tried dmesg which did produce a lot of info including some errors. But, beyond my skill level to interpret its meaning. I can forward it to you if your N6P is still down
@rocket2nfinity My N6P is back up
- well more interested in /system/bin/logcat output, though you might need to have this:
Starting Logcat on 64bit Kernels sudo env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib64:/vendor/lib64 /system/bin/logcat
@Flohack I have noticed a pattern as to when rotation fails. Everytime after I reboot and get rotation back, I get these weird sms messages. When I look them up, it appears they are either silent network reconfigurations, or visual voicemail messages.
So, I'm thinking something to do with the modem, maybe whatever isn't fixed yet in calls. What specifically I don't know, but it's a start.
@rocket2nfinity I have no simcard in my phone, but I guess that the modem could cause problems either way, with or without simcard.
Hi guys, I finally found the issue with the rotation (and it would affect all sensors in fact) and I pushed a new system.img for installation. Please download again here:
Oh and by accident I fixed the camera today lol...
So it works:
- Taking pictures with rear and front camera
- Flash if needed
- Record video with sound
Please test. I again replaced the system.img, here is the new link:
Happy picture taking!
@Flohack said in Call for testing: Google/Huawei Nexus 6P (angler) owners:
by accident
So that means you don't know how you fixed it?
Implying you could break it anytime later?:face_with_hand_over_mouth: