Would it be possible to make a ubports gsi
I do not think this will work since Ubuntu Touch uses not a standard way of building it. Its also not a "ROM" since its loaded to the phone in a different way.
Also we do not support Android 8.1 at the moment...
@gudishvibes Please note this is not fully intergrated with our systems if you try it. No OTA updates and maybe more kernel patches in the future.
@Lakotaubp is it possible for you to adopt it?
@gudishvibes I am not the one who can answer that, maybe @Flohack can.
Read it on xda, biggest part is Halium and the kernel
@gudishvibes What do you mean by adopt it?
Maybe adopt the hacker @erfanoabdi :cat_face_with_tears_of_joy: -
@Keneda No worries, we are in close contact with him and will learn from him how to GSI everything
Maybe you could adopt him in a "device porting team", if you have one ^^Anyway, good news, androïd 9 based devices are recent and numerous now (let's hope this will be done with all GSI compatible androïd versions).
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