Privileged ICE contacts and medical information available on lockscreen [WORK IN PROGRESS]
@dobey messages set with that app seems to take priority and is the default one displayed
@theare27 said in [Request] Privileged ICE contacts available on lockscreen + medical information:
On Open Store there is an App called Circle Message - you can use that to put a ICE message with a phone number in the circle
Unfortunately that app doesn't work when using an alternative launcher (like Launcher Modular)
@syper Simple to implement? You probably never looked at the codebase of Lomiri/Unity8 ^^
@Flohack said in [Request] Privileged ICE contacts available on lockscreen + medical information:
@syper Simple to implement? You probably never looked at the codebase of Lomiri/Unity8 ^^
No doubt @syper was talking about his interest and ability in implementing such a feature in Launcher Modular in specific.
@Flohack Do you know the Launcher Modular code?
It is an application that I coded with @kazord.I do not see how to modify Lomiri codes is complicated ... the hardest being to do it in Ubports rules but if I do not follow these rules in 30 minutes the application would be coded.
@syper The problem is make something accessible on the lock screen. Launcher Modular is not authoritative for the lock screen, and you need to hook into that somehow. Thats basically that you need to design an API for that, and then probably also secure it with a user permission to allow or disallow that stuff.
Regardless of who's going to implement an emergency feature or what it will be called (ICE/SOS/etc.) I believe it is a very welcome and an important addition to our UT devices and therefore I suggest to continue to get this thread going, inviting everyone to give their input and feedback on how to get this feature materialized. Any help and discussion is appreciated. By going through this excercise at least we'll have a well thought of overview for whomever is willing and able to develop it.
I customized first post to be a summary for our ideas.
so call me up to update or do it by yourself if you are moderator. -
Please find below my initial input
#1. parameters
- open source UT
- Armor/confined (lowering treshold for installing)
- basic feature with minimal data permissions
- extensions (opt-in) for geolocation, QR-code, etc
#2. Front-end: structure/lay-out
a. lockscreen: emergency call button + medical ID button (one tab to -> b.)
b. one click to Overview (basic/essentials), similar to this existing ICE app (last screenshot)
c. Overview:
- Tab 1. overview (current: basic medical ID with optional links to geolocation, call nearest ER, etc.)
- Tab 2. owner details
- Tab 3. medical condition (optional linking to Tab 6.)
- Tab 4. medical history (opt-in extension)
- Tab 5. relationships
- Tab 6. show procedure/ (manual input or standard first aid procedure)
- Tab 7. Red Cross standard guide on common first aid procedures, preferably in your own language
- Tab 8. User log (logging access usage+detecting unauthorized usage)After consensus on #2., #5. and #6. a visual draft can be made.
#3. back-end: structure/lay out
- to be determined
#4. Usability and possible opportunities
By allowing more permissions- direct call emergency rooms
- pinpoint the exact location for helpers to guide emergency services to that spot
- QR code/NFC for emergency services
- geolocation for sending out emergency text to ICE in case of falling (think diabetics, elderly people)
#5. Must have/Nice to have
- see #1
- see data provided by @BigB
#6. List of data fields
Tab 1: Overview-
photo (identifying owner)
name, date of birth (+age), gender
this/owner's phone number
ICE (most important + dropdown showing rest)
family doctor (name, phone number)
blood type
height + weight
medical condition(s) - clickable to Tab 3.
Organ donor
Tab 2. Owner details
full name
call name
phone needed
important notes (like children nearby - extra ambulance needed)
relationships (clickable -> showing Tab 5)
optional by opt-in:
- insurance data
- car data + nearest servicepoint
- upload organ donor registration
Tab 3. medical condition(s) details
- detailed description (bullet points of each separate condition + dropdown for description)
- linking to Tab 7. to show procedure
Tab 4. Medical history (only by privacy opt-in/extended permissions!!)
- detailed history health issues
- detailed history medication + dose
- upload medical/dentist/etc. records
- upload x-rays
- upload donor registration
Tab 5. Relationships (only by privacy opt-in/extended permissions!!)
- status (married/single/divorced)
- name spouse + phone number(s)
- children (names+date of bidefault+phone numbers)
- address (same as owner by default)
- next of kin (in case of emergency if it involves family)
Tab 6. first aid procedure
description by owner how to respond/act in case of known issue x,y,z
show general procedure in case of medical issue according to first aid guide (direct link)
show first aid guide Red Cross + language selection (default: country of address)
Tab 7. user log (only by privacy opt-in/extended permissions)
- registration times of use + how long
- optional by opt-in: take picture of user (getting image of helper to identify/thank him/her later or identifiable abuser
- registration for doctor to determine history
@3T_Ed NFC is currently not an available option in UT, the API is not implemented down to the Android layer. Just saying.
I use use the "circle message" app for this. The problem though is that that tthis is just one of the many possible circle messages and I don't know how to force which one is displayed (it seems to change outside of my will sometimes).
I too would use the Circle Message app if there was a way to disable the pointless messages of the "you made two phone calls today" type.
If you can, please add 'Lockscreen', 'SOS' and 'Emergency' as has tags to the OP -
@Flohack said in [Request] Privileged ICE contacts available on lockscreen + medical information:
@3T_Ed NFC is currently not an available option in UT, the API is not implemented down to the Android layer. Just saying.
Thanks. Coming from Microsoft devices it's an old habbit to include NFC when it comes to app compatibility, my bad
I wonder if you aren't making this too complex. Wouldn't a single contact phone number be all that most people need?
This seems to be turning into a major app/OS dev project. If someone is looking for an I.C.E /SOS contact should it not just be easy, quick to find and call. All the other info maybe of use later but not in the situation your I.C.E is being called.
@Lakotaubp said in [Request] Privileged ICE contacts available on lockscreen + medical information:
This seems to be turning into a major app/OS dev project. If someone is looking for an I.C.E /SOS contact should it not just be easy, quick to find and call. All the other info maybe of use later but not in the situation your I.C.E is being called.
Yes if you're conscious - no need for an app there - Chances are that you're not and need help from bystanders. If you want their immediate help and subsequent and adequate intervention by emergency services and specialists then this information might be crucial to save your life. That is, the optional features as mentioned above is extra however extremely valuable and time saving.
@cliffcoggin @joachimvda
Maybe You are right. Maybe it goes too far.I think like You that the priority is what you wrote - simple access to ICE contacts.
Why in my opinion there should be more than one phone number? Because many people have more than one phone number.
I'll separate soon in 1st post the really needed base form which we agreed that should be simple without fireworks and the extended one for passionates.
What is the key for me? (only in this case) other mobile OS - paramedics know how to use them so they should find similar thing with at least information they could find in others phones.
It shouldn't be too complicated because it may causes problems.
However I'm for more functionalities but in second place because it consumes more time and I respect others time. (Unfortunately I'm not coder... I just started learning java. When I'll know something in future I'm going to help with UT projects
@3T_Ed said in [Request] Privileged ICE contacts available on lockscreen + medical information:
Yes if you're conscious - no need for an app there - Chances are that you're not and need help from bystanders.
But if you are unconscious one would hope the bystanders would concentrate on saving your life rather than fiddling with your phone.
@cliffcoggin said in [Request] Privileged ICE contacts available on lockscreen + medical information:
@3T_Ed said in [Request] Privileged ICE contacts available on lockscreen + medical information:
Yes if you're conscious - no need for an app there - Chances are that you're not and need help from bystanders.
But if you are unconscious one would hope the bystanders would concentrate on saving your life rather than fiddling with your phone.
Quite some resistance...... sorry for wasting your time.
If you're in case of real emergency I hope by then the information will be available to those standing by not knowing what to do just watching that one reluctant person doing cpr or whatever he/she thinks is necessary or capable of, emergency services be guessing and your loved ones to be informed.....
Or.... have anothers be well informed to help you ... tic toc...tic toc...tic toc....