Will the Pinephone Boot from SDcard?
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@dcmken re :-the wifi not connecting , try going in wifi settings ,it will show you are connected there, just tap that connection once , sometimes it connects, or open an app that uses wifi/internet. see if that helps
@Marathon2422 Unfortunately neither solution seems to work for wifi. When I look at wifi settings I don't even have an Ip address.
I also got advice on the Matrix chat and I was told to keep rebooting, that it would eventually connect, but after about 10-15 reboots still no wifi
Not sure why.
@dcmken There is now an UT on Pine group https://t.me/utonpine and aso the PinePhone group https://t.me/pinephone that may help.
@dcmken There is also a Pine64 sub forum dedicated to ubports.
@ziggutas Thank you for the links. Messing with Pinephone more I was able to boot from the SD card and my wifI, the biggest issue I had, all of a sudden resolved itself last night. Not sure why or how but wifI seems very stable so far. yay!
@dcmken Please mark as solved to help others if you are happy that it is.
@Lakotaubp I'm using the Ubuntu Touch web app.... Where is the solved option? Thanks!
@dcmken Topic Tools, ask as question, once marks as unsolved again marks as solved.
@Lakotaubp Thank you for the reply. My apologies but I didn't see those options available. Are the same options available on the UBPorts Forum mobile app too, which is what I use on Ubuntu Touch?
@dcmken It is under Topic Tools, ask as question. It is a bit hard to find and does not show at all on some web apps but does using Morph. This has been noted https://forums.ubports.com/topic/4647/mark-as-solved I have just marked yours as solved hope that is OK
@Lakotaubp Sure that's fine with me. Thanks!