Crushed phone, data recovery
So I am unhapy to announce that my OnePlus One has suffered unrecoverable injuries when I sat on it abruptly the other night. Everything works except the touch input, which only works in the top left corner. The rest of the screen is dead to touch, making it very hard to unlock the screen.
I managed to transfer most of my data off while I had the screen unlocked, but I only have access to Documents Downloads Pictures Video and another folder. I would really like to get into ~/.config and ~/.local copy app settings and data to the new phone, however it seems I need to go in via ssh which is not possible given the state of the phone interface.
Is there some way to do this?
Nevermind, figured out that through recovery and adb I have full access.
You can repair it for ~20€ ^^
Attach a usb mouse / keyboard combo maybe?
@Keneda only because it is cheaper to force my Pinephone into service
@arubislander if only I had an otg attachment that'd work
The real problem of repair is that it looks like parts would come from China, I cannot find anything locally for such an old phone.
@arubislander I've played a little bit with my bluetooth keyboard and you can navigate quite easy with it. The problem is when you need to unlock the screen because it only takes touch-input (i think so). You can wake up the phone from spleep mode with Fn + Del, but you cannot unlock it with keyboard..only.
@C0n57an71n right, hence my use of 'attach' instead of 'connect'
@Giiba said in Crushed phone, data recovery:
The real problem of repair is that it looks like parts would come from China, I cannot find anything locally for such an old phone.
Phones come from China, parts come from China too...
The only parts you would find locally are ones coming from China and charged 2 or 3 time the price by local sellers...You can find used part locally maybe :
@Keneda the trouble with 'from China' isn't China, more the 1000's of km of ocean between here and there. I need a working phone sooner than that.
@Giiba And from my experience you will not get a new display with Gorilla Glass so they brake easily. But they work.
I gave a link to ebay for an used but original LCD display, if you didn't see