Does QT 5.15 LTS becoming closed source effect UT developement?
Does QT 5.15 LTS becoming closed source effect UT developement?
Info at regards,
Steve Berson -
As I know NOTHING (forgive me if I say bullshit
) and to complete the question :
If ubports were ever impacted (in this case, like others I imagine...), does it mean that ubports could not choose to join a paid plan? Would the costs be insurmountable ? -
@domubpkm Looking at the cost, I think it would not be a good idea to go to a payment plan: -
Since UT is only just now moving to 5.12, I guess we will have plenty of time to see once the dust has settled on this.
Either upstream will work with "unstable" qt6 or maybe there will be a fork, who knows.