Nexus 5 contact transfer
I don't remember, but maybe the Bluetooth File Transfer app keeps the file in its local data.
You might want to open the app again and open the file with the "File" app.
But maybe I'm wrong, I'll test later.To be sure to understand your workflow, you transferred the contacts from the broken N5 to the spare one ?
And you cannot find the file on the spare N5 after uploading it with the "Bluetooth File Transfer" app ? -
@applee Thanks for your reply. My daily Nexus 5 quit entirely when I fell on it. No screen, no lights, nothing to show it would come on when pushing power for five sevonds. I tried power + volume down, and power + volume up for 30 seconds to no avail.
I had no backups except data in phones used before switching to Touch. So using bluetooth transfer from one of these, a Moto e5 play running Android 8.0.0, some contacts were transfered successfully to my spare Nexus 5. Or so the Moto bluetooth file transfer app said.
The contacts didnt show in Contacts, or downloads. I dont know how to find them. I did try to find them in file manager by looking for yesterdays date. That didnt work. -
@applee Looking in Files, in local, nothing seemed to have vcf files or date matching when files were transfered.
@applee Hello, I discovered that the Moto e5 play is encrypted. Could this be a problem transferring contacts or other data? In settings, I clicked on it and the field blinked is all that happened.
@rondarius Is the data on the motherboard? I should be able to do that. Thats interesting. Where is the internal memory? Thanks.
Ok, I did some test.Encryption shouldn't be a problem.
You can check the cache directory (/home/phablet/.cache/ubtd.fourloop2002) of the BT Filte Transfer app, but if you can't locate it, you can still follow the complete instructions as follow :First of all, you should install and run "Bluetooth File Transfer" ; that's an app you can find in the open-store:
Then initiate the transfer again
The file should now be store in the app's cache directory but it's easier to just tap on the file and choose the "File" app to copy it somewhere you want. -
@applee Thank you! The files are in fourloop! I had transferred about 200 manually, one at a time. Those are in there.
This morning, I tried transferring all contacts in one vcf file. First export them, then share them by bluetooth file transfer. That file failed to send, multiple times.
Am wondering if the google app in Moto e5 play might block that transfer to force using their contact and restore feature. I will try deactivating google while attempting the transfer again. Google has a way of reactivating themselves later.
Or something else?
I bet it has to do with the file size more than any restriction.
You can try to transfer the file via a PC using MTP, SSH or even Bluetooth.
But I found Bluetooth unreliable when transferring large files (and it's very slow). -
It's the large circuit board above the battery. If you open the backcover of the phone, be very careful, the plastic tabs that secures the backover brakes very easy, Buy a new cover before you opens the phone, just to be on the safe side.
from 15:31 he explains the components of the board. Watch the entire clip to see how to disassemble the phone.
If you are lucky maybe the powercable from the battery came lose. You never know :smiling_face: -
@rondarius Thats a help. Utube videos sure simplify doing things. I did take the cover off and checked the battery cable. Even unplugged it and replaced it. Still no go. Nothing I can see looks damaged. Dont see any cracks or loose parts. I put the somewhat curved battery in my spare and it works fine. It is one of those premium German batteries someone on
this blog recommended. They are much better.If I change the motherboard, do I lose data?
I may have a local tech take a look. I also have another N5 in boot loop it would be nice to fix.
I wasn't aware bluetooth has such limitations. That sure puts a different light on it. I have a couple hundred of my contacts back, from a-z. I'm having to hand type calendar items manually.
Bluetooth doesnt seem to transfer those. I'm assuming something like Copy My Data would not work with Moto to Touch transfers.What are MTP, or SSH? My PC is running Linux Mint Mate. Would it be compatible?
So, first if you change the motherboard, you'll loose your data.
The data storage is on the said motherboard.MTP is what allows you to access storage when you plug the phone to a PC (yes it should be compatible with Mint).
SSH is a way to connect to another computer using a secured channel (it stands for Secure SHell IIRC), this is a command line available on any Linux.
You have to allow SSH connection to your UT device by exchanging asymmetrical keys, see this link for detailed instructions: -
Hi @applee
That is strange because I didn't loose any data when I switched motherboards. It's couple of years since I did it so maybe something have changed since then? -
Strange it is. I just had a local tech look at the N5 I fell on. He said the storage chip is in the middle of the motherboard, about 5/8" square. He also said services are available to recover the data from the chip, but expensive, between $200 and $600. My data is not worth that much. The tech said the trouble is in the motherboard. So, the phone is bricked. Maybe I'll buy a parts phone for the motherboard or just replace the phone. I really appreciate all you guys' help!
I'll save this info and maybe get back to working on it later. Maybe buy parts phones for the motherboards. Either that or buy working phones. Thank you for enlightening me.
Now have two parts phones on order. Also some data transfer media and adapters. Was able to transfer contacts and documents to at 63GB thumbdrive with micro usb plug. Plan is to see if this data can successfully be transferred to another N5.
It just hit me. "Couple years since you did that" should not have made a difference since the phones being discussed are old phones. It would be interesting to try replacing just the mother board to see what would happen.Could you possibly been backed up to a cloud service and had the data restored automatically?
I'm going to close this thread. I've receive two more N5's. Will start a new topic to ask questions on loading Touch. Thank you all for your help.
No I didn't have any cloudstorage. I switched the motherboards and had it like that for almost a year. I bought new digitizer+screen with red frame and a new red backcover, so the phone is red now and I swaped back the motherboards after I repaired the broken one.