Help creating an UBSync arm64 version
@ernest in openstore you can just upload click packages for every arch separately.
I don't get the problem. -
@luksus no, this one has a script in background and needs to be manually review.
Usually brian asks for the source, compile it by itself and upload the packages.So if the source are not public, no upload.
@ernest ahhh, because it is unconfined. Ok, I understand.
So, did you build the shipped binaries by yourself? If yes, perhaps you could tell me what is needed to build them and I could try to integrate it in a clickable build.
The last time I tried to build the the needed binaries, I have had no luck, but I also was not sure, if I even got the right sources...
Why do you want to build it by yourself ?Yes i did build the lib by myself and change the arch in the code to arm64.
@ernest to know, waht is needed to integrate the build of the lib into the clickable the end with different architectures.
I created the fork of the UBSync with included arm64 support - It works, but it definitely needs a revision. I believe, that most of the steps are correct, but especially, the 32bit build needs a re-revision - it should be principally equal as the forked one - the same binaries (I only changed paths to enable multiarch).
Changes are described in README.
I had no luck with including the build process into the package itself because it went me into the dependency hell in the container (given probably by mixed repos in the default container - I'm not experienced enough with clickable and docker to deal with in reasonable time). I also experienced errors (Access Forbidden) with the ubports binaries of owncloudcmd extracted from deb packages. The same I experienced for some of older self-compiled owncloud versions. I finally build v2.5.3 in libertine, extracted binaries and it works.
The fork is now on my GitHub
The 64-bit click package is also there for testing -
@belohoub - thank you so much for your work on this! Testing using Volla phone, OTA-16 RC, I was able to add my Nextcloud account (hosted by OwnCube) and setup my sync folders - but I got an error message ("! Start Service") when I press the "Start" button in the "Sync Service" page.
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
Super !Are you on telegram ? let's find a smooth way for the users to upgrade on openstore.
@totalsonic Well, I think this is just the "information", not "error" about starting the service. However, I also experienced troubles with starting the service, which were solved by service restart(s) ... I have only "ported" and "multi-arched" the build process, but unfortunately I don't have experience with the app.
@ernest As pointed above, I guess, there are severe issues and inconveniences related to the QT application or the service, unfortunately I have very limited experience with QT a QML. My current job limited to the build process and "grep&replace" code snippets. On the other hand this app looks to be essential for many users trying ub-touch (including me)... I agree, lets try to remove the "worst case issues" and somehow push it to the open-store.
@ernest I shared my telegram alias with you through the chat
@belohoub - except it was indeed a message error, as syncing did not Start at all.
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@totalsonic Aha, have you tried to replace the daemon configuration? If you had the previous version and you still have old config, it will not work. The paths are now different, as it was necessary to unify them to enable multiarch: is this issue helpful?
Thanks to @belohoub, we have release the arm64 compatible ubsync version 0.6 :1st_place_medal:
@ernest Installed on my OP 3 today. Thanks
@ernest - thank you both so much for your work on this! It is working great. Very grateful that I can now use UBsync on my Volla Phone.
Best regards,
Steve Berson