Xiaomi Redmi 7 review and beginner questions?
@tchan oh, I unterstand. For maturity data, ask Tchan.
Hi... I'm very new with UT... I have redmi 7 too.. Is cheap an good for try something new, like UT... Bluetooth, wifi, hotspot, calls, sms works fine... But i have problem with libertine, and i can't find the vendor_mashkoukrasV2, written in githab install guide... I have problem with libertine too, may i'm the noob, but i cant run softwares with it... I use ssh installation, becouse adb does not work for me... >adb devices command list is empty... So please some info about adb and libertine usage... a work with it 5 days, but nonthing... Thank You, and sorry for my bad English...
@kriss hi, welcome !
First, how do you run UT on this device without the vendor?
This page give ansers for ADB https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/onclite/ currently not working.
Actully this page change recently, it will be update soon i think.
Everythings is here https://github.com/tchantchan/Ubports-Onclite-redmi7 for the files to flash.
For libertine I've tried but without succes. It depend of the devices it works for some people but not for everyone, also it will install a desktop package on a touch screen so very weird. I can't help more sorry.
Have fun. -
@tchan said in Xiaomi Redmi 7 review and beginner questions?:
Everythings is here https://github.com/tchantchan/Ubports-Onclite-redmi7 for the files to flash.
Unfortunately the Mashkoukras vendor v2 is listed but offline.
Hi, I'm sorry i didn't check the link.
I'm not sure but I think this device will be add to the installer soon cause there is some work in progress also here https://gitlab.com/ubports/community-ports/android9/xiaomi-redmi-7/xiaomi-onclite but it's not a GSI.
Maybe it's better to wait to have something better than just an image (GSI), this device is under OTA 13 and they gonna release the OTA 16... so no up to date. -
@tchan Hi...! Thanks for answers... I use vendor "fw-vendor_onc_miui_ONCLITEEEAGlobal_V11.0.10.0.PFLEUXM_1bc7606f67_9.0.zip"
From here: https://xiaomifirmwareupdater.com/vendor/onclite/
"Everything" works fine... But Libertine nothing... -
Ho Nice! I didn't Know this website.
Enjoy this beautiful OS! -
@tchan the developement of the Xiaomi Redmi 7 seems to make progress. Could you inform us, when the Ubports installer for the Redmi 7 is there?
This post is deleted! -
The work in progress is there https://gitlab.com/ubports/community-ports/android9/xiaomi-redmi-7/xiaomi-onclite .
I read on the Telegram group that is testable but I didn't try.
You have to do it with fastboot but can't tell you more, you know I'm not the porter, but I think the porter is a very good one.
I hope this phone will be in the official list soon.
@tchan Thanks tchan. Thanks for not deleting this post.
I hope this phone will be in the official list soon.
@ tchan Yes, if the Ubports Community wants to be a contemporary and up to date Community, they will put the Xiaomi Redmi 7 on the list of the official supported devices, as soon as the installer is there.
The Xiaomi Redmi 7 is now I the installer so this thread can be close.
Everything works well in this port for what I can try.
Installer works very well as well.Thanks everyone in the community who make this and other things happened!
@tchan Closing now.