Hi - sorry for the numpty question, but:
What's UBports' Telegram number?
You can find us at
How to join UBPorts telegram group with UT device like BQ E4.5? I have Telegram app on it but link to UBPorts group is not functional with it.
@tydell The tg app in UT does not support such groups. You have to use the web app for tg.
En general, I'd like to have a mailing list for technical discussions and not a tg group or a forum. But this does not seem to be the opinion of others here.
@guru +1
@guru Ahhh That would be why I was struggling then! Thanks for the explanation.
Interesting. Does WebApp actually work? So, I went to which redirects to tg://resolve?domain=ubports Which by default ends up with: "Problem loading page" with "The address wasn’t understood" message.
UPDATE: started to work after installing desktop telegram client o_O, just in case: Ubuntu 17.10
@kwah Ahhh That's the way to do it then! Well done.