Stuck on boot screen after upgrade
After downloading and installing a recent update on my Nexus 5, the phone would not restart. It get's stuck in the boot screen. I can start Ubports recovery, and then start adb shell from my computer to the phone. Is there any commands I can do from adb shell to recover ?
Which channel are you on?
You can reflash using the installer. Just make sure disable wipe. -
@kugiigi I think I'm on the development channel. I did not know I could disable wipe. That sounds like a good solution ! Will that preserve my Anbox containers to ? I have a important one, that I need to keep.
@kjetil I think anbox will be preserved but I don't use it so I'm not 100% sure..maybe jusrt 90%
As far as I know anything in the home directory will be preserved.
@kugiigi Ok. Thanks. I need to find out where the anbox containers resides, and then I can make a try with reflashing.
It worked! I could reflash, and all my data was still there inclusive Anbox