Port jami-qt p2p/sip video chat?
Looks like the really cool Jami p2p messenger was recently ported to qt-quick2:
https://git.jami.net/savoirfairelinux/jami-client-qtA really nice general overview about Jami was recently shared on LibrePlanet:
https://framatube.org/videos/watch/bb2bc866-4124-4ed4-9f87-15918470ebf2?start=18m43sThis seems like an cool fit for an Ubuntu Touch app. Anyone interested in taking this up?
@povoq big problem is the lack of background sevices, the app cant run in the background, which means youll loose messages, this isnt a big problem with matrix or xmpp because they still use servers even if decentralized, but if its p2p itll struggle to receive messages at least atm.
@phoenixlandpirat Apparently the new jami-qt client has a experimental feature called swarm chats (see the later part of the presentation) that uses some sort of git based system to merge chats between multiple clients and which should also allow syncing messages as soon as you come online (especially if you have a second desktop client with the same Jami account running somewhere that syncs as well). Not 100% sure if that will solve all those issues, but it seems like a big step towards making Jami quite a bit more usable under such circumstances.
Edit: This question is specifically addressed in the Q&A part: https://framatube.org/videos/watch/bb2bc866-4124-4ed4-9f87-15918470ebf2?start=42m38s (well sort off...)
Edit2: https://git.jami.net/savoirfairelinux/ring-project/-/wikis/technical/2.3. Swarm