Halium 7.1 Test Channel
@redxxiii I have the same issue on rc since last wensday. So its not 7.1. exclusive
@tobsend ok thanks. I ll let you know if some fix comes to halium-devel channel. I m in version 93 now.
@tobsend got the same pb with my bq e5 in devel channel. So it is not only fp2 related.
What is the current status of the halium 7.1 Port?
Not much developments. I had not time last months, and nobody stepped up to help fixing things so far
If we continue on this speed we can go for Halium 9 instead
@flohack Pardon my intrusion. Is halium 9 even possible on FP2?
@jezek If it has an official LineageOS then yes
The latest official build of lineageOS for the FP2 is 18.1 so there should be one for 16.0 aswell
Ok so halium 9 is also theoretically doable on 1+1 ^^
I needed to test something on halium-devel on FP2, so while I switched to version 161 I made some observations. As mentioned in this thread before, automatic brightness, flaslight and camera-app are not working. Screen rotation (accelerometer) doesn't work too. Calls & messaging are working as expected, but the irritating loud beeping when the other person hangs the call is still there. I can't use the phone as daily driver like this, going back to halium 5.1 (rc).
@Flohack As @TobsEnd claimed, there is a lineageOS for FP2, so it would make more sense to skip the 7.1 and go for 9 instead. The Waydroid project, which works on halium 9 looks very promising.
Hi, today i switched to halium-devel (build no. 2021-08-10). Looks quite good, although the camera is not working (screen stays black). Torch works though (I assume I have the old module, then? Don't know as I bought the device second hand).
One more thing I noticed: In a call, the volume cannot be changed when using headphones via the audio jack. Volume control for the standard speaker works.
Thanks for your efforts!
Hello there ! I just noticed the phone won't shut down and instead reboots. I push the power button, press shut down, and it reboots. I have to remove the battery to effectively shut it down. I'm positive this behavior came with this dev build
If your camera stays black, you can try
rm -rf .cache/gstreamer-1.0Worked for me. Thanks to Alfred for posting this solution.
Things that I noticed with version 182:
- When using the Music app, there's a frequent clicking/hissing noise and the music skips a few microseconds, similar to listening to a vinyl disc on a grammophone. It's not completely overlaying the music, but has quite a negative impact.
- In phone calls, people sometimes complain that they can barely hear me although I am speaking directly into the mic.
- Volume cannot be changed in phone calls when using headphones via the audio jack (I already reported this above).
- After about half of the reboots, the SIM card (I only have one in slot 1) is not recognized and both slots are shown as empty.
- Sometimes the auto brightness doesn't work after a reboot. This happens in stable, too, with around the same frequency.
The rest (well, what I am using anyway) works quite well, and in my experience is only slightly shakier than stable.
@jezek said in Halium 7.1 Test Channel:
@Flohack As @TobsEnd claimed, there is a lineageOS for FP2, so it would make more sense to skip the 7.1 and go for 9 instead. The Waydroid project, which works on halium 9 looks very promising.
Is it even teorically-possible to run Waydroid on (hypotically) Halium 9-FP2 ?
From this post I read that (as Waydroid is based on Treble) a phone with android 9 as base (for vendor partition,...) is required(I hope I'm wrong
@oli-sax FP2 does not have a vendor partition, but also that detail is irrelevant. Yes sure its technically possible, but I am afraid it will be quite slow.
Also the RAM limitations will come into play, as Waydroid runs a full Lineage it needs more RAM than the old Anbox idea where only a minimal layer was running. You basically come closer to the notion of running a full Android AND UT at the same time. I would say it will be smooth with 4GB. But we dont know yet, lets be surprised
But yes, theoretically FP2 with Halium 9 can do it -
Hi @Flohack. Thanks for making Halium.
:thumbs_up_light_skin_tone: :thumbs_up_light_skin_tone: