Lenovo Tb-X606X wifi issue
I have a problem where I can't connect to wifi after a fresh install.
I have installed an android 9 stock rom via splash tool.
Downloaded and flashed the latest artifact containing the images.
In the setup page for wifi on first boot it says no wifi networks available.
Settings page under wifi is empty no on off switch.
When I type "nmcli d" in terminal there is no wifi in the list of devices.Is there someone else with this issue?
Or is it my model 606x rather than 606f that's the problem? -
@borgchrist1 I have the x606f and the only issue with wifi is that it disconnects when going to deep sleep. Have you tried restarting network manager or wifi?
I assume rebooting doesn't help? -
@kugiigi the terminal is behaiving weird but I managed to get a list of network devices but there is no wifi. Reboot doesn't fix this issue either.
I looked at some commits in the repo and I can se some fixes for wifi maby I have gotten an old build some how. Did you build your self or did you download the artifact?
I add som pictures so you can see wath I mean with the wifi settings.
Thanks. -
This is now solved. You need to build from another defconfig for x606x than x606f. So I patch the kernal defconfig and build it agin and now it works finaly. Everything excep camera seems to work.
Im going to do a pullrequst to the repo if there is any one else who has x606x and wants UT on it. -
@borgchrist1 said in Lenovo Tb-X606X wifi issue:
any one else who has x606x and wants UT on it
raises hand
Yes please! -
@moem I can give you instructions to build yourself or I can create a download link with the imgs to night if you are intrested.
@borgchrist1 I would love the download links, and there is no hurry at all.
Thank you in advance! -
Hi @borgchrist1, I already did some work on a x606xa tablet.
Maybe you can find something useful here:
https://gitlab.com/luksus42/kernel-lenovo-x606/-/commits/halium-9.0-LTEI also just uploaded my device repo. I am not sure anymore which state it reached, but camera was working at least:
https://gitlab.com/luksus42/lenovo-x606But there were issues, which was the reason why I decided to drop it at some point...
@moem No problems. I will try to take a look and see if I can get the cameras working. And give you a download link soon.
@luksus Great, this will probobly help. Thanks
@borgchrist1 I'm very new to Ubuntu Touch and building it myself, I've tried building it before on Linux yet it didn't work out. It would be amazing if you could share the binarys for people like me. Was searching for a solution the whole day, reflashed many different roms but am still stuck on the wifi issue.
Thanks in Advance! -
@kagenao I would also be interested in it being able to use Bluetooth, because I noticed it is not working neither.
@borgchrist1 any chance you uploaded your image/build i would love to install this on my x606x
@borgchrist1 Please give me a ready image with the fix. I can't compile it.