Yes I knowhere it's FP3(+) but since FP4 is brand new (
) I'd like to know if anyone around UBPort team knew this new Fairphone and has planned to port UBPort to it ?
Anyway sincerely thanks for your work ... special thanks to @Luksus :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes: -
@cr9c I have moved your question to OT please see this https://forums.ubports.com/topic/206/will-you-port-to-device-x Thanks
That would be very cool that UBports make a partnership with FairPhone, or the opposite lol, like they did for FP2 indeed.But you can be sure that phone will be one of the first android 11 (halium 10 ? halium 11 ?) device to focus interest of uTouch porters, if not from ubports directly, from the community.
And Fairphone announced they will warrant hardware for 5 years (legally 2 in europe normaly), and will support software for 6 years (from android 11 to 15, again, even without SoC provider support like they did for FP2).
Well lets wait and see ^^