Aïe ... no more SIM card after update
@cr9c This:
https://gitlab.com/ubports/community-ports/android10/fairphone/fairphone_fp3/-/blob/halium-10.0/overlay/system/etc/ofono/ril_subscription.confSo, in terminal again, make your root-system writable:
sudo mount -o rw,remount /
Then move your original ril_subscription away:
sudo mv /etc/ofono/ril_subscription.conf /etc/ofono/ril_subscription.conf.old
Create new conf:
sudo nano /etc/ofono/ril_subscription.conf
Add contents of the file in the link.
Close nano with Ctrl-X (you can switch to nano-commands in the top-left-corner of the terminal-keyboard) and save the file.
Reboot. -
I don't understand this...Add contents of the file in the link...
Which contents and in which link ?
May be this question is stupid but I don't want to ruin my system :astonished_face:Thanks again
It's perfect ! It works .. my 2 SIM cards are here again ;o)
What do you think happened ? Will it happen again with new updates ?
Do I have to stop update Ubuntu Touch ?I thank you a lot
From what I can figure out you're on devel channel.
If you want to prevent such event you might want to switch to RC channel.
The update rythm is slower and the more obvious issues like this one will be detected and fixed before landing on your phone. -
I know that ... but I don't have choice, only DEV canal -
@cr9c I would say, to be safe, just do no updates until there is a stable channel or something awesome new functions are introduced...
OK @luksus it's wiser inded.
...and last question...have you an idea when a stable canal will be open for FP3+ ... more or less ?
@cr9c I think and hope in less than a month.
Fingers cross -
@cr9c said in Aïe ... no more SIM card after update:
OK @luksus it's wiser inded.
...and last question...have you an idea when a stable canal will be open for FP3+ ... more or less ?
Hi @Luksus
Today appears "Candidate channel".
Does it mean this is the "real" RC one ?Do you think I can use it and udate my phone without pb ?
@cr9c ah nice, so someone did add it at least to the RC channel.
I just tried it and it works for me. -
So I just did it also and it's OK for me.
My version of Ubuntu Touch is now v.2 -
This is really good news. I have just changed channel on my FP3+, and cellular works again. I really appreciate the works done by you all. Big thanks from me
Hi @luksus,
Aïe ... no more SIM card after update ....again
I did upbdate last november 26th through stable canal (which just appeared the same day) toward version 1.
It was OK (except Waydroid which disapperead ... I installed it again).... and tonigh my phone switch off because of the level of the battery and after the reboot, I get the very same problem ... no more SIM card and Wifi !
I applied same proc. you gave me and it's OK now !Is it a bug linked to FP3+ or linked to the stable version (?) or something else ?
Have a good day and thanks again for your job
Never got this issue on MX4 through 10+ stable updates... -
@cr9c I encountered the issue with missing cellular network sometimes after a reboot on low battery. The solution was, to let it charge some time and then do a reboot.
Maybe the cellular chip is not getting enough power on very low battery, while booting... -
Thanks @luksus.
So with your explanation it seems to me clearest.
I'll try to test this fact and will come back to you.