How to add new programs to apt
@metty Ubuntu Touch doesn't work the same way as Ubuntu.
It is strongly not recommended to use apt to install software. (as it won't work and may brick your device)
Rather use the openstore, or use a libertine container. -
@stanwood Thanks... It's a pity that this is exactly the kind of thing I find so cool about Linux. That you have a packet manager, and the programs can use each other.
Is a program via the Openstore also accessible in the console?
So is there an other way to install for example pass on my device? -
@metty - you can create a Libertine container (either via the Terminal, or the Libertine gui in the System Settings), then download into your Downloads folder a deb built for Ubuntu 16.04 (either arm64, or armhf if you are using an older 32bit device) - and then install it using either the Terminal or the Libertine gui.
Info here -
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@totalsonic Thanks steve! I will try that.
@stanwood said in How to add new programs to apt:
@metty Ubuntu Touch doesn't work the same way as Ubuntu.
It is strongly not recommended to use apt to install software. (as it won't work and may brick your device)
Rather use the openstore, or use a libertine container.To be honest I think it's really a shame that after all these years PostmarketOS seems to be the only option that offers a full blown Linux experience in combination with a phone instead of Ubuntu Touch which was the perfect candidate to offer that experience!
Hi @stanwood.
Can you tell me how to do this? I have no idea, unfortunately, yet.
I am trying to install firefox and signal and a video recording app.
Alex -
@6mv To start, go into settings => System => Libertine => Get started. Name your container and define a password if you wish.
Installation might take some time.
Currently Ubuntu Touch is still using Xenial (16.04) repositories.
Please read carefully the documentation:
Thanks @stanwood.
Can't make any sense. App options don't work, don't have a clue what these commands can be run. What is container name? -
@6mv said in How to add new programs to apt:
Thanks @stanwood.
What is container name?The name you want to give to your container (ex: Entertainment, Private, Professional tools, or whatever you like)
Btw, as I'm not using desktop apps on my device, maybe other members would better help than me....
@stanwood What I did is now:
#!/bin/bash # create the container: libertine-container-manager create -i pcapps -n pcapps # install pass libertine-container-manager install-package -p pass
I copyed also all my encrypted passwords to /home/phablet/.password-store
Then executed:libertine-launch -i pcapps pass
Now I got the following:
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored. ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored. : DISPLAY environment variable not set! ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored. Error: password store is empty. Try "pass init".
Also I tried to copy the passwords to:
No success.. Where do I have to copy them?
Or in other words: Where is the home which sees the program in the container?
I haven't gotten that far, and I'm not yet able to use my passwords with Unix Pass on my Ubuntu Touch device, which currently forces me to always have two phones with me.Is there something I am doing wrong? I was able to initialize the program with pass, but I can't generate and save passwords. Its generating one but the list remains empty. Among many '' errors.
@stanwood You write: It is strongly not recommended to use apt to install software. (as it won't work and may brick your device)
But back to the main topic. How do I do it? Even if it may brick my device. Better than no device. That would be the case if a such a simple thing like pass do not work on a ubuntu-phone.