The new Volla 22 was announced for June, some days ago. Does anybody know whether the advertized UBports for the Volla 22 will be available on launch day 1?
Here is a link to the Kickstarter campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/volla/volla-phone-22-the-beauty-of-freedom
@sven There is already a thread open in OT to discuss the 22. As this is still in kickstarter I will move yours there too. Probably best to just use the one thread fir this discussion. On the UT I have no direct info on if it will ship with UT but as it can dual boot it should be easy enough to do. Also on other Volla devices you could chose which OS you wanted on shipping. Unless someone already here knows for certain probably best to adk Volla directly.
@lakotaubp Sorry for the separate thread. I avoid "Off topic", normally
And hope that there will be a new device category in June, at least.
@sven I'm sure there will be. Also remember OT is not at deadend or graveyard. Just a place for evrything that is not directly UT based or like this a little in the ether for now
Trying to figure out what would be the significant benefits of the Volla 22 over a OnePlus 6T (8/128) running UT.
Assuming I will have it running UBports and not looking for trazillion megapixel camera options, both screens are > 400 ppi, what should make me walk away from the 6T that can be had at appr. €120 (used)? The 4500 mAH removable battery (6T=3700 mAH non-rem.)??
Not intending to bash the Volla 22 offer (earliest backer), however wouldn't a Pinephone pro (linux mainline kernel) be a more obvious choice when it comes to helping the Linux community push forward?