I just bought my first smartphone, the CAT S42 H+. I've always used a cellphone until today because I didn't had any use for a smartphone, I don't want to be hooked by it and I don't want my privacy to be invaded. This CAT smartphone comes with Android. Since I don't like google because they spy on us and I want to protect my privacy, I've searched for a Ubuntu version for smartphones and I found Ubuntu Touch but it seems that there is no port for the CAT S42 H+ smartphone.My question is: Is there anyone willing to do a port? I think the CAT S42 H+ deserves a port of Ubuntu Touch because this smartphone is very robust, anti shock, etc.
Best regards.
A AppLee moved this topic from Porting on
Hi @pappetsu
I moved your post with regard to this one: https://forums.ubports.com/topic/206/will-you-port-to-device-x
Here you'll find the documentation for porting: https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2068/halium-first-steps
The "Porting" is intended for people actually porting, so you can post there if you need help with a specific issue while porting.Porters often buy the device they're porting Ubuntu Touch to themselves.
So basically you're asking someone to do this job and to buy the phone in order to do so.
I'm not criticizing in any way, just saying some might be willing to do it if you can provide a device to work on.I hope you will be able to join the community of Ubuntu Touch's daily users.
@applee I know nothing about porting. So, I thought of asking someone to do it.
The thing is, in order to port (if that is even feasible for that device, which I don't know) the person porting it would need to have the device in hands. Also, it will take several weeks, if not more.
Asking whether someone is willing to port it is not bad form, but it's unlikely to yield results. Sorry
If someone that uses UT, has skill to port, and get this phone pops up, then maybe you'll have one.
But porting section of the forum is not for asking devices ports, it is for porters to share their work and if needed, ask for help. -
@moem That's pretty much it. I'm looking for someone who has a CAT S42 H+ smartphone and is willing to do the port.
@pappetsu Well, I wish you the best of luck, but the chances are not high.
If people want to deGoogle, they generally buy a suitable device, which is much more likely to be easily deGoogled. In other words, they do the research before getting the phone.
I think the CAT S42 H+ deserves a port of Ubuntu Touch because this smartphone is very robust, anti shock, etc.
Those are good reasons to want it, but not all devices are equally suitable for porting. For example, it needs to be possible to unlock the bootloader.
So people who are looking to port a new device will always look at feasibility first and foremost, and the other properties of the phone come after that.