Hello Everyone,
Normal user need help ,How can get notification to work for Axolotl and GPS for uNav on Nexus 5 and on which phone it will work?
Nexus 5 is a very handy phone,not to big,but guess a little bit out of time. same problems got with my MX4 original UT
Is there any development for Fairphone 4 in next future.
Thanks Wolf -
@guyhighlander Hello! Oh dear, a normal user. I'm afraid I'm one, too. :smiling_face_with_halo:
Axolotl always gives me notifications as long as the app is running, I did allow it to run in the background, using the Ubuntu Touch Tweak Tool from the OpenStore.As for GPS: the first fix may take a long time (up to half an hour) and the phone needs to be outside, with clear view of the sky, and awake for that time.
I'm not aware of these being specific for Nexus 5.
@guyhighlander said in Axolotl and GPS on Nexus 5:
Is there any development for Fairphone 4 in next future.
I suggest making a separate thread for that question.
Okay,will try GPS like you said,Running Axolotl in background with tweak tool i did as well, no joy.
GPS works now , Axolotl needs be open hole time to get messages :worried_face:
@guyhighlander said in Axolotl and GPS on Nexus 5:
Axolotl needs be open hole time to get messages
That is correct, the app needs to be running. Can be running in the background, but it does need to be running. That is a limitation brought on by Signal's refusal to collaborate with people who build third party clients.
C CiberSheep moved this topic from General on
thanks for help
cheerz Wolf -
@guyhighlander Gerne gemacht!
K Keneda forked this topic on