Fp3 Dev Channel Video recording - No audio
@luksus Also have this issue on Vollaphone since OTA-23. Microphone just disconnect from UT in all applications but phone calls.
At least 2 users have the same issue on the French Telegram group. (Various devices).
Need to reboot the device and it works again.
A reinstall of the system does not help.
I will check on github tonight and maybe open an issue...
@stanwood I had never paid attention to this as i haven't problems with phone calls, but I confirm it on the Volla (i'm always in RC 54/OTA-23). The dictaphone does not record sound either. I have not tested after restart or reboot to see if the sound is recorded again.
Edit : Works again after a restart but the restored volume of the sound linked to the video recording seems low to me (what do you think?) even at its maximum. For the dictaphone, the restored volume is good.
@stanwood thanks.
Ok, so I opened an issue on Github:
Note that this problem is obviously not specifically related to FP3...
Audio recording is still active since my restart of yesterday (21 hours ago).
Have you paid attention, when audio recording is no longer active, if microphone access permissions are still enabled? I just think about that and i don't know.
@domubpkm So I just test this today.
Microphone was "off" again (no sound recording with neiher Dictaphone, camera, music recognition) although all microphone access are well enabled.
Simply reboot to make it work again.
@stanwood Ok. Works yet for me. Maybe a total inactivity is needed (me, it's not the case, I checked regularly) for the audio recording to be disabled. And also to see if when the recording is off, if switching again the access permissions to the microphone (off then on again) without restarting or rebooting reactivates the audio recording.
@domubpkm Ok I will try.
But one thing is certain, when I test the microphone here:
I have to give permission on each try. Despite of that, no sound is recording. So I guess - at least in my case - this is not related to granted system permissions....
Well, the microphone is still active on my side. So I wonder why and I have a lead (perhaps wrong) : some time ago, I did a lot of activation and deactivation tests with bluetooth and I stopped and everything seems ok. It costs nothing to monitor if there is no 'conflict' between the functioning of the microphone and the bluetooth for those who use bluetooth activly.
Can someone confirm, if the recorder or camera audio stops working, after a phone call took place?
@luksus you think after a call made or a call received ?
@domubpkm both. There is a user of recorder app with Xiomi Mi A2, who said that the app stops working after a phone call.
@luksus , on FP3 (OTA-23), I confirm that microphone stop working in recorder app after a phone call.
I also succeed to restore microphone by doing:- recorder app is open, no recording in progress
- open the phone app and make a call
- during the call, launch a recording in the recorder app: the mic works again
- close the call and close the phone app, the mic still works in the recorder app
That's right. For what I tested and noticed, on the Volla, there is indeed a relationship between phone calls and the microphone. An outgoing call breaks the recorder's microphone once the call is hung up.
When the microphone is broken, all you have to do is dial a telephone number, let it ring without the call being taken by the recipient for the recorder to work. Ending a call permanently mutes the microphone. Only a reboot or restart of the phone reactivates the microphone. App permissions always remain enabled for the microphone even if it is not working. Disabling and re-enabling a microphone access permission does not change anything once the microphone is broken by a call.
In fact, the broken microphone is broken for all applications that use it. -
@domubpkm Seems not FP- spezific. Same issue here with OPO5t. W30/2 (RC).
@dosolly Right, so it seems to be a general issue then...
There are also a few more comments going in that way here:
I wonder if it's only halium 9 and 10 specific..
Nobody has this issue on older phones (nexus 5, nexus 4, bq...) ?
There is a nice workaround script to test here which reactivates the microphone.
@domubpkm I confirm that the fix did work for me as well (Volla Phone), even if the whole process was quite hard to understand and to apply for a newbee like me... lol
Thanks to @niaproxy for the script!
Hope that it will be merged by UBports in a future OTA update. -
@stanwood I don't think this gets merged as it's just a nice workaround I think
And still it would be necessary that the problem be put in red as a bug, which is not the case at this moment !