Solved: OP6T failed ubports installer
@mw4jet First try the installer again with the wipe option ticked. Can fix things sometimes.
I let it sit overnight, tried with the installer but I could not get it into the bootloader screen, only the warning that the bootloader was unlocked. The installer was just stuck on adb looking for device, I then couldn't get it to power off, then it went into the white dot with 2 red dots circling it (red with 2 white) and it booted back into android 9. I'm bummed but relieved.
Now I am apprehensive to retry it, but I am sure I will LOL. I have flashed a lot of phones and thought I made my first brick, hope this phone is not the one.....
@mw4jet MSMdownloadTool if wiping data and cache in the installer or with TWRP did not work
It booted into android 9, thankfully.
I am thinking I’ll use Ubuntu tonight, does ubports installer work good on Ubuntu? No drivers?
We’ll, ubports failed with Ubuntu also, this time I totally lost android 9 and got a Qualcomm dump message. I’m now trying to recover with an msm downloader tool…this has been the worst of 5 devices I’ve installed UT on. I hope it’s worth it.
@mw4jet Usually, yes. Don't know why you are having so much trouble.
@mw4jet Did the UT installer fail, i.e. just sat there doing nothing, or was it on the phone?
@mrt10001 It failed and it's not on the device. It makes the device display "Quallcomm BootDump error" that can only be recovered with the msmdownloader. It is a Oneplus tool and reflashes everything and back to 9.0. I have tried three different releases of the UBports installer. All do the same.
Is there a UT ROM that I can sideload with twrp? I found one on a git page for a dual android9/ubuntu flash and I finally got that to boot. I never set a passphrase or passcode and when I rebooted it wouldn't let me in, so I figured the image had that in it. I have had it for a week and think I might sell it, what a pain!!
@mw4jet We could help you better in our UT welcome channel on Telegram. This sort of thing is too hard to troubleshoot by forum post.
@rocket2nfinity I’ll give it a look
@rocket2nfinity said in OP6T failed ubports installer:
@mw4jet MSMdownloadTool if wiping data and cache in the installer or with TWRP did not work
This is definitely the fix. Boot into TWRP without installing, UBPorts installer works well then.
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