OTG not working
Since updating to OTA-24 for some reason OTG on Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro stopped working. It doesn't matter if I plug USB drive or external keyboard and mouse. Before on OTA-23 it was working fine, I could use mouse and access USB drives without problems. Does anyone experience similar issue?
@jakub If it is definitely an OTA 24 issue this blog tells you where and how to report it https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-news-1/post/ubuntu-touch-ota-24-release-3872
@lakotaubp Thanks, submitted an issue, will see if there are more people with similar problem
Update: OTG is working after holding power button until phone reboots(thanks for the tip @nitanmarcel). Keyboard and mouse works without problems, but only FAT32 drives are automatically mounted, exFAT drives need to be mounted via the terminal, but there is no write permissions for them.
About this issue. I don't use any external hardware that uses OTG and when the issue was first brought to me it has just late.
My only clue right now it's an issue with a kernel upstream patch, notified the contribuitor that helps me with the kernel version patches and hopefully will get it fixed in the next RC and OTA.
J Jakub has marked this topic as solved on