Set my preferred screen resolution
Hello everyone.
How can I setup my screen resolution?
I'd like it to be 1280x720 or 720x1280, especially in Libertine.
I tried creating a xorg.conf inside a Libertine container, no luck.
Libertine tweak tool doesn't completely do the job, as it makes some UI elements unclickable and some other keeps small.
Also, I'd need a way to open the keyboard on demand, in example in Apps like XTerm, which don't do this automatically.Thanks for any help, regards.
Bump, anyone?
Hi @idj
Sorry, no idea.
Libertine was maintained to run command lines, not execute GUI.
GUI is very complex and we are transitioning from MIR to Wayland, so focus is on that front.Being able to run "legacy" Linux software on mobile is not the main focus because doing so without redoing the GUI will definitely ends with poor UX (as you witnessed).
@applee in truth, I'm looking to set the display resolution of Ubuntu Touch.
This will reflect for sure on WayDroid and Libertine.
Maybe I accidentally posted in the wrong section or I didn't be clear in writing my question, sorry then -
@applee said in Set my preferred screen resolution:
Libertine was maintained to run command lines, not execute GUI.
really?? :astonished_face: this is the first time I'm hearing this. I thought quite the contrary libertine was created specifically for legacy gui applications. I distinctly remember libre office being demoed by canonical back in the day. cough-(convergence)-cough
@AppLee even moreso actually when we go with "linux on mobile" because one could argue that commandline makes even less sense than legacy gui...
@idj Δ°t is not currently possible to change the resolution of the screen. Not sure if this will ever beco.e a feature, tbh.
What .may become possible in the future is to set the dpi. (effectively the scaling). But if it will ever be implemented to set this per application or application type is another question.Ubuntu Touch Tweak Tool had a feature where the user could change the scaling. But that could have different side effects.
@arubislander yes, I saw it, but unfortunately it has no effect in Libertine.
Darn, I was really hoping in changing resolution -
I specifically written "maintained" not created.
The goal of canonical was a hard hill to climb and yes, LibreOffice worked but with evolution of Lomiri maintaining the same goal became too difficult.
So Libertine is still here, works fine for CLI but the GUI part is hit and miss and no effort AFAIK is made to improve it at the moment.As always, UBports is a very small foundation and such difficult and labor intensive task is not the priority while keeping the OS up-to-date and focus on native apps is the way to better the UX.