Widevine DRM (slightly hacky) call for testing (arm64)
Hi all,
!! Experimental !!
This will modify your rootfs and make changes, DO NOT use this on your daily driver if you don't know how to recover.I have made a crude and hacky widevine drm test if anyone wants to try, I need to gather some input on what works and what does not.
I would like to test different websites with both settings->Set desktop mode enabled and disabled in morph settings. This has the effect that it changes the user agent, this may work on some website that tries to force you on an android app.
This is done to figure out what needs a user agent override and what already works without. so please test websites that is known to use Widevine.
A quick demo to check if it all works: https://bitmovin.com/demos/drm
Please report your findings here https://pad.ubports.com/p/widevine-test
https://open-store.io/app/widenabler.mariogripThank you
@mariogrip Which parts of the system does this modify? This includes Morph?