snapz0r on OnePlus 6T?
Installed snapz0r from OpenStore, because it looks really good, but it doesn't seem to do anything on OnePlus 6T
It is said in the comment of the store :For proper support make sure to ask your device's maintainer to enable the following kernel defconfig switches:
CONFIG_SQUASHFS_LZO=yI asked to the maintainers of the Volla first generation to check the config two days ago because i want to test too. It will be ok on dev probably this day for the Volla. And maybe you should ask too for your phone.
@ancientsounds said in snapz0r on OnePlus 6T?:
Installed snapz0r from OpenStore, because it looks really good, but it doesn't seem to do anything on OnePlus 6T
@domubpkm said in snapz0r on OnePlus 6T?:
It is said in the comment of the store :For proper support make sure to ask your device's maintainer to enable the following kernel defconfig switches:
CONFIG_SQUASHFS_LZO=yI asked to the maintainers of the Volla first generation to check the config two days ago because i want to test too. It will be ok on dev probably this day for the Volla. And maybe you should ask too for your phone.
@sevralt - Please can you/maintainers/devs for OnePlus 6T add those kernel defconfig switches, so snapz0r app for installing snaps can work?
I got a OnePlus 6T recently and have been trying to solve a few problems with it, but I don't have the skill of some people. But I did get USB-C headphones working
I got Volla, but multiboot for X23. you think they will fix that?
Ciao guys,
I'm new to this community and just installed Ubuntu Touch on my Oneplus 6T.Any news on that subject? I heard that the maintainer of this device is in Ukraine and may not be available for a while.
I made the MR for enabling snaps. It's pending review and approval as I don't have permissions to merge it.
Let's wait.
@ixsvf Thanks for your support.
Did any of you got it working? I tried install dev form ubports-installer didn't work, I also build the kernel my self and same thing the app tells me that the kernel have support and after I hit "enable support" and reboot same thing a X and kernel has support "enable support".
@christianBorg I ment "enable snaps" above
@ixsvf Thanks for doing that. Has it been merged yet? It's still not working for me despite an upgrade to OTA-4 for 20.04 on the release candidate channel.
@christianBorg Not yet
@ancientsounds It was merged, I cloned the repo and built it. I also added for fun binfmt and tried Winebox and that worked. I think Snapz0r crashes during setup. I realized that when you hit enable snaps after some time the phone actually reboots and nothing can make the oneplus 6 reboot
you usally only get a black screen and have to hold the power button you're self to make it reboot. That makes me think it crashes. Can't find any logs though.
@christianBorg it may also be, that system partition is too small to install the snap stuff and therefor installation never finishes. (at least thats the case on the op5t)
@Luksus Ok. Sounds like that could be it. I will try to resize later today and see if that resolves it.
@Luksus You were right. I had to use the kernel I built and increase the system partition. I took 1.5 gb from system_b and added to system_a and now it works. Thanks for the hint.
@christianBorg the 6t rebooting is a win, i think devs should replicate the process for rebooting mechanism, i use that to reboot tbh