I'm not sure if this is the best place to raise this, but there's no obvious place for discussing the main web page.
It seems a good idea to remove devices not supported under 20.04 from the "promoted devices" page. It doesn't look so good when you click on the Nexus 5 only to get a page that says it's not supported by the current versions.
That page is most definitely outdated, I think everyone is well aware of that. The problem is, as so often, that Someone (TM) needs to find the time to do what is needed.
Well, I think there are more important things in life than dealing with the UT website. This is not just because of the website, but also because there is a lack of staff, as is so often the case. I suggest that you simply leave the devices that are no longer supported as an image in the installer and remove them from the main page. This way, users who have such an old device, which are not many anymore, can still use UT as Xenial as Not Os. Since I'm no longer up to date with development, I don't care about UT either
@DPITTI As you don't care about UT your comments are no longer required.
I personally don't think any device is obsolete with UT on it, just not supported. Some enthusiastic coder may pick it up at a later date and do wonderful things, much like @TheVancedGamer did with the OnePlus one.
@MrT10001 said in Obsolete devices. On the "promoted devices" page.:
I personally don't think any device is obsolete with UT on it, just not supported.
Sure, and it's fine to show them on the list. But I would prefer not to see them on the 'promoted devices' page. That needs to show currently supported devices.
A arubislander moved this topic from Off topic on
@MrT10001 Yes.Iagree ,there is no change in hardware while installing any software such as UT or any OS.It is better to classify the devices as supported or not.Also,Iwant to know why android devices are choosen for porting? Why not only ubuntu touch OS installed hardware device may be choosen? OR a device suitable for dual booting ,similar to desktop ubuntu be choosen? Hope for the best.
- iam using pixel 3aXL -focal 20.04 (24 -W-02) and redminote 9 ,xeniel 16.04
@alagirialagiri said in Obsolete devices. On the "promoted devices" page.:
Iwant to know why android devices are choosen for porting?
What else could be chosen?
Why not only ubuntu touch OS installed hardware device may be choosen?
Because there are very few of those and not everyone has the means to buy one.