Update to my question. I went on straighttalk website & discovered that to even get a tablet plan you must have a 5G capable tablet. Why are they so picky? Why can I have an only 4G capable phone and use data but to use a tablet they want me to have to have a 5G capable one. The only 2 phones I have that work with ubuntu touch(OnePlus One & Pixel 3a XL aren't 5G phones. Here is the screenshot from straighttalk.
Does anyone know of a carrier that allows the use of only 4G capable tablets & do you know if it would work if get a plan from them & use phone as tablet?
Even without the first thing I mentioned, getting a VoIP service/app like Google Voice(and I mean like Google Voice but not, I hate google) for the phones, the biggest thing would be able to just get data on them so we can still use them like a tablet because I basically use my phone like that anyway I hardly ever actually make a call with it. But VoIP would be nice. -
@Tommy said in Status of VoLTE (Voice over LTE 4G) implementation?:
If the VoLTE implementation is going to take some time I believe we need a work around for this.
You are not alone on this, and VOIP / SIP-based solution are certainly being looked at.
(By the way, when you're asking about carriers, it's generally a good idea to say where in the world you are.) -
@Moem Thanks. I'm in the US. I was using a OnePlus One phone for about a year then started getting notifications that my phone would be incompatible with the network in 2022, and haven't been able to go back to Ubuntu Touch since due to this.
@Moem PS, what is SIP?
@Tommy SIP is service over internet, IE Voice over Internet Protocol. You have an app, sign up for a service and then when using data or at a WIFI hotspot, log into your SIP service and receive and make calls.
It is being worked on so you can receive calls all the time over it. -
@MrT10001 Thanks, basically it was what I was asking for just never heard of it called SIP i've always just heard of VoIP like with services like google voice number & when was able to call phone numbers with Yahoo Messenger way back in the day. Thank you for clearing it up. Speaking of WIFI hotspot that may be my only option to be able to use my phones with ubuntu touch as I don't think I'm going to be able to get them to have phone service or just a tablet plan with them. The other option I'm thinking is this https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-an-aircard-818325 finding an aircard meant for devices like laptops & tablets but then that is something I'd have to keep plugged into the phone & probably with an adapter depending on the USB port.
For example this card isn't USB-C so would have to have an adapter to plug it in to my pixel 3a. Also I didn't see any option on straighttalk when I looked to sign up for service with an aircard so I would have to find alternative for service with it. https://www.ebay.com/itm/224551936685?epid=1622974835&itmmeta=01HR09MZXGJX2JG22PJ5H1NYJR&hash=item344856a2ad:g:-J0AAOSwwvhhAZzo&itmprp=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwAnkYFoEcJILDeIQr%2BSY%2BMDPSGZ%2B5DD%2FqTqxWmPEYWn3yyQQlWlwL4ci%2F3VJd1XFWE%2BRqMX1OAk1vn3NZeRyHaU%2FfOa5r5%2Fm85iwc03VhY%2FXwWddLU8x28PTxt94uC355v8aNHP3Kj5y9MNNiAUKCLvA34y1K4bpQBYHokZIFrhZbJrGTlKPLzdaQiF00MA4bzrGBxO9J48YF6sF9bHzHvJzov0E97YshOARejzGqZzsw8rOd4I9DiEyYb9Adym%2FhQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5T_04nAYw -
@Tommy Those devices are for PC's or laptop for mobile internet over 4G where wifi or a wired network is not available. To work with that you would have to have it plugged in to a PC or Laptop and set the wifi on the PC or Laptop for sharing. Then it acts as a gateway to the internet via the 4G modem and your phone wifi connects to the laptop/PC wifi and routes out. It sounds complicated and can be tricky to set up. It would be easier to have a cheap 4G/5G mobile phone and set it up for wifi sharing, then your UT phone could attach via wifi to that and the 4G/5G phone would route it to the internet.
@MrT10001 Those would be perfect. Yes they are designed for laptop or PC but should work alone with a tablet or phone as long as whatever drivers/software are there, which makes your statement correct because it probably wouldn't be, and speaking of that it probably wouldn't even work on my laptops because I have linux and not windows. That being said anyway I just got done with chat at straighttalk and was informed they don't offer plans for those devices anyway & I would have to get a mobile hotspot device and plan for that anyway.
I just hate thinking that in order to use my phone with ubuntu touch in any meaningful way I would have to now carry around two separate devices with me that have to stay charged.EDIT 2:
Also I don't know why the heck they are so picky and nosy about what devices you use. Never gone thru that with home internet. I don't understand why here in the US you can't just get a sim card, buy a 4G data plan & put it in whatever the heck device you want to. Cause if that was the case I would just have a data plan & be using my phone that way now with just data. -
@Tommy said in Status of VoLTE (Voice over LTE 4G) implementation?:
Also I don't know why the heck they are so picky and nosy about what devices you use. Never gone thru that with home internet. I don't understand why here in the US you can't just get a sim card, buy a 4G data plan & put it in whatever the heck device you want to. Cause if that was the case I would just have a data plan & be using my phone that way now with just data.
Like here in the UK, the US Cell providers enjoy rinsing you of your hard earned $$$$ (Our case ££££):beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes: However, data only plans don't make them money unless it's corporate trade (building, law enforcement).
I just wish mobile phone manufacturers would make life easy and provide open source BLOBs (drivers) for their devices and have a standard way of implementing things!
@Tommy The 4G data network is not going away anytime soon. Even Verizon is allowing any device that is a Pixel 2 or later on their network. I just gave away a P2XL that I was using as a data device on Verizon with Sip for calls. So, you should be able to continue using them after the final T-mobile 2g cut-off (which had been postponed).
There is ongoing work to get VoLTE going, and Sip is available now with the experimental linphone app and the google voice web app. You should join the NA Issues UT group on Telegram. We can help you better there.
@Tommy You might look at https://jmp.chat/
I got it for pure XMPP access to SMS/MMS, but later got their SIM and a data plan. They're a MVNO--T-Mobile here--and have a fork of Android Conversations to also do telephone calls (based on WebRTC, apparently).
So it might help, though of course I recognize an Android app isn't an immediate solution for UBports! But they do support SIP into telephony for your phone #.