Ubuntu Touch Q&A 145 Call for questions
Ubuntu Touch 145 is this Saturday 20th July at 19:00 UTC. We really appreciate your questions and involvement in the Q&As, so please post your questions below and we will do our utmost to answer them.
Remember that questions on porting to device **** or its status, and questions on bugs, will not be answered.
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In Q&A 143 you tried to answer my question a search was done, but after you forgot about it. The question was:
Hi, in some recent Q&A, there was a mention about Focal working on FP2. I've checked OTA updates on the phone (I'm on rc), but there is no update to Focal. When is it planned to roll out? Thanks.
The recent Q&A, I'm talking about in the question is Q&A 139 and the mention was:
Fairphone 2
Flo reported that Focal is at last working on FP2. It is still a very dated device and there will not be any stunning performance improvement. For those whose top concern is sustainability, it is however a great example of how the latest UT can run on ancient hardware. Thanks to Mohammed for persisting with this work. Nexus 5 may follow but that hardware really is showing its age.Could you say more about focal on FP2, please?
Will it be possible to use the Alfred's browser engine instead of QtWebengine to create webapps for UT ?
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Hi pals, two questions:
Has anyone heard from a company called SageTea, who "makes" something called the Xfone? Do they contribute to Ubports in any way, or just sell phones that they load with Ubuntu Touch?
Are you all aware that there are wild standing ovations going on all over the place when, for example, Marius talks of progress on VoLTE and 5G, Alfred talks of WebKit and Snaps progress, AppLee bravely starts hosting a Q&A show solo, Lionel revamps Contacts, etc? Often you announce very major things and I hope you know how enthusiastically they are received. Thanks a lot for what you do!
@wally said in Ubuntu Touch Q&A 145 Call for questions:
Has anyone heard from a company called SageTea, who "makes" something called the Xfone? Do they contribute to Ubports in any way, or just sell phones that they load with Ubuntu Touch?
We are aware of the company, yes. As far as I know there is no formal relationship between the UBports Foundation and this company. (One of) The founder(s) has been active in the Telegram groups in the past.
Can the UBports recovery install custom Android ROMs?
@rogue_ronin it cannot.
Hi @wally
Sorry I didn't see your question before the show.
We did not see any contribution from SageTea.
And there is no official ties between the UBports foundation and this company.Thanks for your feedback. Hopefully you'll be able to witness and test those features sooner than later.
Ratchanan announced OTA5 which will be on Focal. Hopefully the next one will come soon and should be with Noble.Thanks again for your kind words.
Thanks @AppLee, for the reply and for all your work!