WLAN always rising numbers of connection name and asking passwort
@applee I am in Developer Channel, but updating doesn't really work in my system. But that's another bug.
@applee It does not work fine on other devices. In the release notes to OTA-19 there is a note that this bug had been fixed. So it's not a unique problem of my device.
I wait until once an update to OTA-19 will work on my system.
If you're in devel than you should have daily updates and you should also already have OTA-19.
Try to switch to stable and check if it works properly.If you have trouble installing OTA then you might want to use the UBports installer WITHOUT wipe data.
@applee Hey, I am the guy that installed Ubuntu Touch several times onto his Sony F8131 with several versions of installer, and always only gets 5 updates, nothing more and nothing fewer, no matter which channel I chose: calculator, calender, notes, ... what was the other one? ... and yes, file manager ... which I may not update because it doesn't work otherwise
but don't let you bother by my problems, my phone works as a featurephone in the meantime and I am waiting for a fully capable image at any time in the future.
Hello @xekuta747 . I don't have your device but I thought that if there is an official support in the installer: https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/suzu/ then you should be able to get OTA updates as well.
That can also be confirmed here: https://system-image.ubports.com/16.04/arm64/hybris/devel/suzu/ (the latest devel images for your images are from today). So you should be able to update to them whenever you are on WiFi, open the Settings app and go to Updates.
If you can only update a few apps (same ones OpenStore would update btw) then that's very weird. And if that's all the case I would think it might very well all be related. Both the fact that NetworkManager asks you for a password on each reconnect/device restart and the fact you can't update.
I also don't see anything that would suggest your device should be suffering from these bugs here: https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+suzu
You may want to report this issue on GitHub if you are out of options. However, before you do it might be good to try a few steps:
- Try installing Android on that device and then Ubuntu again.
- Make sure you followed all the steps mentioned on the device.ubuntu-touch.com page for your device, especially: "Ensure you have upgraded the stock firmware at least to Android 8, else you can't flash the OEM binaries for AOSP. It is best to ensure that you have all the latest firmware installed." + "Download the OEM binaries for AOSP from sony, unpack them," - but I expect you did that
It may not solve the issues but that's what I would try this first, before opening up a proper bug report for the device. But as always be careful so that you don't brick your device somehow :). Not sure how Sony works and how easy it is to install Android over a device with purged data on it for instance.
@zubozrout Thanks for the hint!!!!
I upgraded the firmware with the official Sony Flash Tool and after the next installation via ubports (with "developer"-option) everything looked different. Attention: Nearly no apps worked until I repeated with the "wipe all data"-option, at the same time switching to "stable". Now it works in the intended way.
Though the WLAN-PW-problem is not solved. But I guess it will when OTA-19 is stable for my device.
@xekuta747 I am glad it was at least a partial fix. Regarding WiFi it is still weird though considering I didn't see it mentioned anywhere :(.
Also, OTA-19 has already been released approx. 4 weeks ago based on this: https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-news-1/post/ubuntu-touch-ota-19-release-3779
If you'd like to try some more bleeding-edge system you can try to go to RC (it should have weekly updates) or even devel (often daily updates, but there are sometimes gaps in between releases, even for a week or so). It is possible to switch in between channels right in the Setting, under updates. Switching channels is a bit wonky, more or less freezes the Settings app UI. When you select a different channel it will become responsive again once the download is complete. If needed you should also be able to also close the settings app and re-open while it is downloading. A channel switch is usually around 450MB of data to fetch.
Good luck trying and if nothing works I'd suggest trying to report this on the respective GitHub space linked in my previous post as a new issue. Sadly no-one with Xperia X responded here so far. So reporting a new issue even if it turns out not to be valid may be the must fruitful way for you to gets some answers. Also potentially good for others trying to figure out how to fix the same issue.
Optionally you can try asking on the official Telegram thread here: https://t.me/ubports
It is pretty much active and someone who has the device/knows more might get back to you. If not feel free to try once again at a later time to make it more likely someone who may be able to help notices/is online at that time. -
I have edited
by outcommenting the line with the mac-address:
[wifi] #mac-address=xx:xx:xx:xx
Now the phone connects without re-entering the password.
Can you try, if that works for you, too? -
Hi @coinflow
@xekuta747 didn't connect for several months now, I doubt they'll check this thread again.
But thanks, it might help someone else. -
@coinflow Hi I have opened my connection as suggested but the file is empty
I used nano wifiname