If I understand correctly, you are porting Ubuntu Touch to this device ? -
@Keneda ye
@Keneda You are not in the UBports Porting group on Telegram?
No, I'm not a porter.
I move your thread in the appropriated section.Please check this other thread : https://forums.ubports.com/topic/4328/qa-checklist-for-ported-devices
Also, make it clear what is the exact android rom someone need to install prior trying your UT port for this device, that's very important.
K Keneda moved this topic from Devices on
@Keneda Well the exact android is in my repository
I saw your repository before posting, that's why I told you that, because :
For those who are using custom ROM, unfortunately you have to put STOCK ROM
You can find your firmware on the SM-G780F device page: samfw SM-G780F
Doesn't tell the exact version of the rom.
@Keneda It means that you use the exact Android 13 firmware on your device.
@Keneda Hey, do you know what category I can say the problems my camera has in UT?
If this is a problem for making it work in your port I guess you can ask for help here or in telegram UBports porting group. -
@Keneda okay boy
I'm not quite a "boy" since I passed that stage almost 40 years ago... -
@Keneda Okay, but I'm going to put the logs that the camera gives me when I want to take a photo.
Can I put the other topic? -
You can put it here as it is for your port debugging effort.Just use the code tag :
Place text between 6 of those signs : ` Three on top, three on bottom, or use the editor button : </> then paste log in between
@Keneda It's going to be long, can I send it as a file?
I will assume that those who read will not understand much of what I am going to say, about the process that the camera will do until the moment it gets stuck. But well...
When I open the camera and when I take a photo it gets stuck, and assuming that I have to check in logcat or dmesg and there is this what happens to me:sudo lxc-attach -n android -- /system/bin/logcat -c && sudo lxc-attach -n android -- /system/bin/logcat > > stuck-camera-log.log
It's very long, I'm going to put what NotKit mentioned to me:
from here, it seems like it did finish capturing the frame and even encoded it to JPEG:10-04 00:09:23.592 184 3217 I ExynosCameraSec: [CAM(0)][Back_0]-(m_captureStreamThreadFunc[25888]):[F61 T4]YUV capture done. entityID 227, FrameState(0) (227) 10-04 00:09:23.592 184 3217 I ExynosCameraSec: [CAM(0)][Back_0]-(m_handleJpegFrame[25748]):Jpeg output done, jpeg size(2128085) 10-04 00:09:23.592 184 3217 I ExynosCamera: [CAM(0)][Back_0]-(m_sendJpegStreamResult[3234]):Set JPEG result Done. streamId 3, frameCount 61 10-04 00:09:23.592 184 3217 I ExynosCameraSec: [CAM(0)][Back_0]-(m_captureStreamThreadFunc[27795]):frame complete. framecount 61, frameType 4, pipeId(227)
and then10-04 00:09:23.643 184 3194 W ExynosCameraMCPipe: [CAM(0)][PIPE_ISP]-(m_getBuffer[2303]):HAL(54, 54, pbt(1) size(0)) requestFrameQ wait timeout,Duration(1),LogCnt(6) FrameQ_size(0, 0) 10-04 00:09:23.702 184 3201 E ExynosCamera: [CAM(0)][Back_0]-(m_monitorThreadFunc[9685]):Sensor PIPE ID(6) ESD Detected. pipeCountRenew(16), lastMipiErr(0x0)
Why wasn't it saved?
@Sota4Ever_k I would like to send the files to show more information, but it won't let me
If you use code tag, it'll be not, it is intended for that. -
Hi @Sota4Ever_k
You can also give a link to a pad or pastebin with the full log file...
@Sota4Ever_k And another thing, I was also able to take a photo, but I had to take the photo quickly when I entered the camera.