Waydroid apps won't hide especially on Volla 22 - Not a Waydroid issue!?
Re: Show/Hide apps doesn't work since OTA-5
I also do have the problem that all Waydroid apps appear in the launcher and can't be removed.
So I checked what the Waydroid Helper does to hide them to see if there's something wrong like a path to the files or something like that.
But the path is correct and what the helper does is simply setting the NoDisplay flag in the .desktop file to true or false.
This mechanism works, the flag is set to true or false just as selected.So my conclusion is, that the launcher seems to ignore this setting and it therefore is not an issue of the Waydroid Helper.
I am on a Volla Phone 22 with OTA-6 (OTA-5 also had this issue)
Other Volla models do not seem to have this issue, it seems to be related to the Volla 22.
Maybe someone has a clue.
Removing or renaming the .desktop files caused issues and does not seem to be a solution.
@jojumaxx Did you try to manually hide them?
You can try to do so:
sudo -s for i in ~/.local/share/applications/waydroid.com.android.appname.desktop; do echo 'NoDisplay=true' >> $i; done
Replace "appname" with the name of your app.
A guide to hide all the duplicate apps is available here:
Now it's perhaps a more complicated specific issue with Volla 22 (?)
That's no device specific issue for the Volla22, it's a general issue of WaydroidHelper. Here's the bugreport. Long story short: You have to manually edit the .desktop-files and set the NoDisplay-Value to the correct section [Desktop Entry].
Solved with OTA-7 / current Waydroid version
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