New App: Where?
Since some time ago uNav removed the link parse when sharing a link from Morph. And I was thinking how about to make a translation app. It's still a step in the middle but I hope, and with farther cases, a useful app also for someone else.
I present you: Where? will open those short-code GMaps links that I find so annoying, try to get latitude and longitude and translate to standard geo URI and uNav map.
How to use:
- Tap on a GMaps shortcode and let Where? take care of it
- Share a link with Where? via ContentHub
- On the main page of Where? copy latitude and longitude or tap on the new created links
I hope I have understood well.
unav can be exported his position to send it to someone. I choose to divide sms. but don't send the sms. I go to the sms and copy the content. now I can send my current position about the messanger or email. -
@Charly yep, I know.
The issue comes when some one (my friends) share a link to a place from their GoogleMaps app / random iOS/Android app. I have to open the link in the browser, copy the coordinates, paste them in uNav or something similar.With Where? I don't have to do all the editing. Open/share the link in Where? and tap the link that uNav will open.